Pioneer – sukellus meren syvyyksiin

Traileri 1


PIONEER sijoittuu Norjan öljyryntäyksen alkuaikoihin. Pohjanmereltä löytyy valtava öljy- ja kaasuvaranto, jonka rikkaudet aiotaan tuoda maihin 500 metrin syvyydessä kulkevaa öljyputkea pitkin. Ammattisukeltaja Petter, jonka unelmana on aina ollut Pohjanmeren syvyyksien saavuttaminen, on kyllin kurinalainen, sitkeä ja urhea mies ottaakseen vastaan maailman vaarallisimman tehtävän. Petter lähetetään hurjalle matkalle, mutta hän ei itse huomaa joutuneensa pelkäksi pelinappulaksi. Vähitellen hän tajuaa olevansa ylivoimaisen haasteen edessä, jossa pelissä on hänen henkensä. (Bio Rex Distribution)


Videot (4)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (4)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti In the beginning, I felt like watching a retro movie from the 1970s. With hairy and bearded sailors. The filters they used remind me of the old James Bond movie ones and water, surrounding one oil rig, is everywhere. Well, a lot of conspiracy theories reflect into one quite important milestone of the movie, but they were not necessary, and I didn’t like them much. I expected far more from it. Seen based on Challenge Tour 2015. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I must admit that the scenes set underwater, or beneath the surface of the psyche, are truly powerful, and the entire film then has a depressing effect on the viewer. Unfortunately, that's about all I got out of the film. It failed to draw me in as if it was intentionally keeping its distance from me. Yet the setting is captured perfectly. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I was a bit surprised that the retro drama Pioneer didn't actually spend much time with action under the sea, yet I don't feel disappointed that I watched this movie. This is a Norwegian story about corruption, based on true events, which basically shows how greedy the human race is and what big corporations and individuals are capable of to gain economic power over others. At first I couldn't recognize the bearded Axel Hennie at all, but gradually he revealed himself with his eyes, body language and inimitable acting. (75%) ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Erik Skjoldbjærg is brilliant wherever he can use his ability to accurately describe a plot procedure and capture the atmosphere of the environment. The first twenty minutes are therefore almost captivating, and although they differ through a somewhat more conservative approach to the great NOKAS docu-thriller, Pioneer has at least the same drive. But then comes the intricate conspiracy and perspective of the main character with disturbed perception (memory of Insomnia) and here in Pioneer, a solid subjective plane (delusions, paranoia) conflicts with a conspiracy thriller that suffers from rather clumsy dosing of information and sometimes a bit of halting directing (the scene with the car in the tunnel is very sketchy). The ambition here is quite high - a moral critique of the "Norwegian economic miracle", which, from the point of view of the film, is based on the violation of fundamental human rights. The result? Disconcerted. But as a lover of underwater sequences, I necessarily have to give an extra star. Cameron must have liked this, too. ()

Kuvagalleria (23)