Angry Birds -elokuva

  • Yhdysvallat The Angry Birds Movie (lisää)
Traileri 3


Elokuva vie meidät saarelle, jolla asuu yksinomaan onnellisia, lentotaidottomia lintuja - tai lähes yksinomaan. Tässä paratiisissa vihanhallintaongelmista kärsivä Red (RIKU NIEMINEN / Jason Sudeikis), vauhdikas Sakke (ANTTI LANG / Josh Gad) sekä räjähdysaltis Pommi (JOONAS SAARTAMO / Danny McBride) ovat aina olleet kirjaimellisesti outoja lintuja. Mutta kun saarivierailulle saapuu salaperäisiä vihreitä possuja, näiden erilaisten lintujen tehtäväksi jää selvittää mitä possut oikein juonivat. (Walt Disney Nordic Fin.)


Videot (10)

Traileri 3

Arvostelut (5)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The secret of the Lake of Whiz-dom is the best scene of the movie. Pleasantly un-"correct", easy entertainment that rattles on nicely and even makes you think about the decline of civilization in Europe. Practical symbolism for kids. God damn, in the context of this movie, even the poster sends chills down my spine. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A cool animated flick, I didn’t expect too much from it, so I was satisfied with the result. The animation was strange at times, but it didn't distract me in any way. As for the story, it was simple, but it doesn't offend. It's that old familiar tale about how the outsider and the grumpy one became the favourite at the end, (minor spoiler) who saved everything. The film didn't have many outright funny scenes, but I still laughed a few times (especially at the scene with the Pool of Wisdom, as others have mentioned). In short, an unpretentious relaxing film for an hour and a half, which is really great to unwind with ... and it doesn't make you ANGRY at all. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The metaphor of the green-bearded invasion is only good for the readers who no longer realize that the real incorrectness would lie in the omission of the phoenix-bearded outlaw from the final genocide. This is because if the filmmakers were really clever, they would have gone further than Kubrick and a chubby eagle who would like to be "great again," and not kindergarten humor whose mental level fits within the range of a mobile phone screen. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I've seen much better animated movies, but I've seen worse. I didn't have high expectations for this movie, and the opening scene confirmed my suspicion, but in the end I was surprisingly entertained and even had some good laughs. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Considering that there's hardly much to extract from the game itself, the creators managed to make quite an enjoyable film that is by no means solely intended for children. There are scenes that even adult viewers will appreciate. And all of this while preserving the elements that make the game so well-known and beloved. That's good enough for me. ()

Kuvagalleria (89)