Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Yrittäessään paeta väkivaltaista ex-miestään Anna ja hänen poikansa muuttavat uuteen salaiseen osoitteeseen. Siellä Anna asentaa itkuhälyttimen huolehtiakseen siitä, ettei pojalle tapahdu mitään hänen ollessaan poissa. Mutta pian laite alkaa vastaanottaa pelottavia ääniä toisesta lähettimestä vuokratalossa. Todellisuus ja painajaiset sekoittuvat toisiinsa, eikä Anna pian enää tiedä, mikä on totta. (MTV3)


Videot (1)


Arvostelut (4)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti He wants to entertain everyone and ends up disappointing everyone. The perfect Noomi Rapace manages to create a pleasant thriller atmosphere with just her facial expressions, on the edge of a mental breakdown, but the script undermines her at the most critical moments. When I successfully tune in for a quiet drama, scary stuff pops up, and when I then switch to a paranormal thriller, practically nothing happens for long minutes. This is not a multi-genre film, but an attempt at originality at any cost, which falls apart in the hands of its creators a few minutes before the climax. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An unremarkable psycho-thriller with bits of horror that grabs your attention in the first half hour (thick atmosphere and a good performance by Noomi Rapace), only to then turn into the classic tale of “everyone here is crazy, I’m the real Jesus”. It has moments with proper Nordic terror, but the overall impression is, as I’ve said, unremarkable. The previous movie of the director is in another psychological horror league. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I don't know. I'm as tense as a dentist's waiting room for most of the film, can't decide if the civilian atmosphere is unsettling me in a good way or a bad one, and after it was over I was still putting two and two together in the bathtub with a wrinkled forehead... and then it dawned on me. The whole point, the whole thing clicked into place and I was confronted with the triviality of the entire plot. While it’s not that bad, it's awfully similar to all that Thai/Korean/Japanese stuff, just a little more Nordic in its aloofness. And when you cook mashed potatoes for 4 hours, the result may not be all bad, but you kind of feel like a moron. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The film The Monitor has one major strong element that makes it worth watching. That element is none other than Noomi Rapace, who once again delivers excellent work in the leading role, slightly overshadowing the fact that the film doesn't have much to say and only tangentially attempts horror. This is a great pity because the tension fades quickly. ()

Kuvagalleria (26)