
Nuori ja kunnianhimoinen lääkäri Mortimer Granville pääsee töihin Lontoon kuuluisan hysteria-asiantuntijan, tohtori Robert Dalrymplen vastaanotolle. Viktoriaanisessa Englannissa valtaosa naisten vaivoista saa puritaanisen yleisluokituksen "hysteria", jota tohtori Dalrymple hoitaa tehokkaalla lantionpohjan hieronnalla. Pian komean Granvillenkin luo jonotetaan, mutta menestyksellä on hintansa. Käsikramppien ja Dalrymplen feministityttären puoskarisyytösten uuvuttama Granville turvautuu edistykselliseen ystäväänsä, joka on innostunut sähkön mahdollisuuksista. Hän saa sähkökäyttöisestä pölyhuiskusta idean, joka mullistaa naisten elämän... (Scanbox Entertainment Fin.)


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englanti The British bring us comedies that are often better than their American counterparts. While I'm at it, a film like "The Inbetweeners" only confirms this. British humor is simply unique and this is also proven by the film "Hysteria", which tells the story of how one of the most important inventions - the vibrator - came into existence. It was because women were treated for hysteria by having their genitals stimulated by a doctor in order to achieve orgasm and release tension in their bodies. However, manual massage was quite demanding, so the idea of a vibrator was born, which in this case looks like a science fiction pistol. "An Education" is a film set in the beautiful atmosphere of 19th-century London, which is reflected in the clothing style and partially in the language. Nevertheless, it was possible to fit truly funny moments into such an environment that pushed the story forward. "An Education" is a romantic comedy, which is a shame. If the romantic aspect was removed, it wouldn't matter. Especially the ending is disappointing because it is simply cheap compared to the humor of the film. The relationship between Mortimer and Charlotte, portrayed by the great Maggie Gyllenhaal, is believable but ultimately just too cheap. However, Rupert Everett perfectly complements them and is undoubtedly the funniest actor throughout the entire runtime. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/07/mistrovsky-plan-nerdi-bel-ami-susi.html ()


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englanti Beautiful British English, that's the biggest plus of the whole movie, otherwise a gray average, occasionally successful scene and sometimes it feels like watching a typical American show. ()



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englanti I was thinking that the movie about the invention of a vibrator in Victorian England may not be so bad at all. However, I did not realize that Victorian England is Victorian England and that the English would put its atmosphere and order even into a story like that. ()


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englanti Hysteria is an unexpectedly sweet, intelligent, and gently funny spectacle full of fine actors and actresses (Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rupert Everett were the best) that doesn't offend in any way, and tells the story it tells with pleasant detachment. Surprisingly, I didn't mind the romantic plot and the moral lesson about helping the poor. ()


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englanti Everyone is welcome, even die-hard puritans, among whom I fortunately do not count myself. Knowing nothing about the film, after reading a brief outline of the plot, I wondered what kind of stuff could come out of it and whether I was in for some shallow, prissy shenanigans, but I was wrong! This is thoroughly enjoyable and tasteful entertainment that does not underestimate the intelligence of its viewer. It lightly and interestingly sketches the period realities and women's awakening struggle for their rights, with the history of the vibrator as a funny bonus. Objectively, it would be about 4*, but for the positive feeling it gave me, I'll rate it slightly higher. Unassuming little gems like this deserve support. ()

Kuvagalleria (110)