Urge to Kill

  • Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta Urge to Kill
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Murhasarja johtaa vaarallisiin oletuksiin. Jääräpäisen poliisin on selvitettävä totuus ennen kuin epäilykset repivät koko kaupungin hajalle. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti This film feels like a quintessential example of a British stage play brought to life on screen. It doesn't try to hide its theatrical roots — most of the action takes place in a single room with the townspeople coming and going, which is something I don't mind at all (as long as the acting doesn’t become overly theatrical). My main issue, however, was that the filmmakers didn’t really work to maintain any sense of mystery. When it’s obvious just a few minutes in who the prime suspect is, it’s hard to feel any real suspense. And a crime story without tension just falls flat for me. So, despite my usual love for stage-to-screen adaptations and British mysteries, this one didn’t quite hit the mark. By the way, that noise-making contraption in the film? I had one as a kid too, and I’m willing to bet my parents deeply regretted ever giving it to me. / Lesson learned: Not all surprises make for good gifts, especially when they’re handmade. ()