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Elokuvan päähenkilöt Francis (Xavier Dolan) ja Marie (Monia Chokri) ovat parhaat ystävykset, jotka tutustuvat eräässä illanvietossa enkelikiharaiseen Nicolakseen (Niels Schneider). Kolmiodraaman ainekset ovat valmiit, kun kerubin näköinen nuori mies lyöttäytyy Franciksen ja Marien seuraan ja vuoron perään antaa ymmärtää olevansa kiinnostunut kummastakin. Nicolaksen todellisista tunteista on kuitenkin mahdoton saada selvää, ja sydänsuruja on tiedossa yhtä lailla Marielle kuin Francisillekin.
Dolanin visuaalinen maailma on värikäs ja äärimmäisen tyylitelty. Francisin ja Marien tyyliesikuvina ovat olleet James Dean ja Audrey Hepburn, 2010-luvulle päivitettyinä. (Bio Rex Distribution)


Videot (1)


Arvostelut (6)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It may be a bit sad, but I will remember this film not for how it deals with love and its various forms, but for the music that played during the film, which I very much enjoyed. I was enthralled by it and was carried away at times just by its tones and words. I was thrilled with the film in this respect. Not so much otherwise. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Once again Dolan uses a huge range of audiovisual masks in order to simulate the depth that the characters lack. He takes refuge in spatial orientation, shoots three-quarters of the frame in handheld closeups, slips into a music video several times, and tries feverishly to sell the subjective perception of destructive lovemaking. Except that he has nothing but poorly written, affected, inanimate vessels for love with no integrity. For me to be able to understand loss of self due to painful infatuation, there first has to be a self to lose. But the characters here don't exist outside of their scenes. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti As with the book “Eragon”, the astonishing fact about this film is the very young age of the author (in this case, the director and screenwriter in one person). At first I was distracted (I think?) by the handheld camera and the unnatural and unjustified zooms, but I got used to it after a while. The whole film is shot in very close-ups (details of faces, heads and other body parts), so it feels somewhat intimate. A lot of the scenes are slowed down to give the viewer a sense of what's going on, and they were accompanied by beautiful music. In contrast to the close-ups, there were a lot of scenes from behind, which gave a kind of aloof impression that suggested a certain distance. The addition of various people's testimonies and colourful lighting during intimate scenes only added to the impact of this film, which I think deserves attention. A small note to end on: Maria (Monia Chokri) looked magical in her retro dress and hairstyle. All in all, a nice experience that benefits from a simple story, unforced acting and nice music and visuals. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Film Challenge 2018 - Canada. I entered the second third of my international challenge and after a series of average and uninteresting shots, I watched this intellectual and artistic beauty, which will surely please every Francophone soul, to whom I proudly belong. At twenty-one, most people do not know what to do with themselves, with their lives, and where to go, and Xavier Dolan has created a perfect film in terms of content and form, adding a flawlessly chosen musical element that adds charm - I will probably keep playing Isabelle Pierre now. I only have words of admiration and praise for how a young person can write and direct a story about strong emotions that can knock a person and their relationships down to the ground, even destroy them. Melancholy, excellent dialogues, beautiful shots, clouds of cigarettes, and a unique atmosphere. Bravo! ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti He is 21 years old and has written and made and played in a film about love. The initial smirks about what such a young man might know about film and serious topics turn into a complete fascination. Heartbeats is a sparkling affair, whether with its pop art visuals or well-listened-to dialogues. The generational testimony of contemporary forms of love runs in a modern rhythm, makes irony out of itself and works with thoughtful and catchy language of colors and musical motifs. A challenging yet extremely open film that, unlike pseudo-shocking testimony about modern debauchery, goes all the way to the bone. Without any controversy and youthful efforts to stir things up. For a man who's from a different generation, the film affected me admirably. ()

Kuvagalleria (25)