Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Uskomaton tositarina kylmän sodan nerokkaimmista taisteluista. Nuori shakkilegenda Bobby Fischer taistelee mestaruudesta neuvostoliiton pelaajia vastaan - samalla kun joutuu kamppailemaan myös omia demonejaan vastaan koko maailman odottaessa malttamattomana pelin lopputulosta. Itseoppineesta Bobbysta tulee miljoonien idoli, kun hänestä tulee shakin historian nuorin suurmestari. Bobby tunnetaan niin arvaamattomista tunteenpurkauksistaan kuin vertaansa vailla olevista pelitaidoistaankin. Hänen uransa huipentuu shakin maailmanmestaruuskisoihin, joissa hän joutuu vastakkain kisoja hallitsevien Neuvostoliiton pelaajien kanssa. Vuonna 1972 kahdenkymmenen voittoisan pelin jälkeen Fischerista tulee ensimmäinen amerikkalainen, joka pääsee finaaliin. Vastassa on voittamattomalta vaikuttava Boris Spassky. Vuosisadan ottelu on kahden älykkään pelaajan taisto, josta ei puutu poliittisia salajuonia eikä psykologista sodankäyntiä. Yli miljardi ihmistä ympäri maailman katsoo lumoutuneina, kun yksinäinen maahanmuuttajan poika Brooklynista taistelee suurta shakkimestaria ja omia sisäisiä ristiriitojaan vastaan. (SF Film Fin.)


Videot (2)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (4)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti As a film about Bobby Fischer, it works much better than a chess film, but the problem is that you can't separate these two things. In other words, in order to make an excellent movie about Bobby Fischer at the time of his greatest chess successes, the movie also has to work as a chess film to a certain extent. And this, unlike the Luzhin Defence, did not happen. Although you may be disappointed that out of so long and interesting Bobby Fischer's life story the movie focuses only on the period before and during the famous series with Spaskky to the sixth game, this is not the main issue. The main issue is the absence of tension and Zwick's failure to make everyone start to care about the chess. From the beginning, he ignores the game itself and offers only (semi) details of the pieces, so if you don't know what the breakthrough and ingeniousness of Ficher's strategies from Reykjavík 1972 is about, then you won't even find out watching this movie, not even remotely. You'll just have to do with the fact that it is simply "exceptional". The movie not only does not show some of the characters directly but it neither does help to explain them. Maguire did his job well, but considering how interesting his character was, his performance is not that interesting; especially when Schreiber’s performance is obviously much better (I do not mean on the chess board, but actually on the chess board too...). And he even has almost no room apart from the motionless sitting at the desk. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Chess players are certainly interesting people and in a sense brilliant. You almost wonder why they only put such effort into a game. The makers of Pawn Sacrifice did what was needed. They depicted the historical event intriguingly, both from the perspective of the characters and from the viewpoint of their chess match, which becomes truly gripping towards the end. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Edward Zwick shifted to the sports topic this time and chose an unusual theme for a film—chess. To some, the film may seem boring, but I really liked it. Zwick demonstrated that you can extract the maximum from a film that appears uninteresting at first glance. The 1970s setting also worked wonderfully and brought a nostalgic atmosphere. Tobey Maguire had a tough task, but surprisingly, he handled the role of Bobby Fischer with great skill. Liev Schreiber also shone in his supporting role. The music was perfect, but I expect nothing less from James Newton Howard. I was a bit disappointed that the chess matches appeared sporadically, but otherwise, it’s a great film, and I give it 80%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Clever lad, that Maguire. He even makes you believe that taking care of him during tournaments must have been a harder road than being a tour manager for GG Allin. That and the fact that Zwick managed to make the chess matches really exciting sequences thanks to the editing and the many different camera angles are the main reasons to sing its praises. The resignation from a certain idealization of the protagonist is also pleasing, and we will not be deprived of his views on Jews, which would make the likes of Adam Bartoš pop the hook from his trousers. Believe me, it must have been quite an effort to promote such a character overseas. But what's mainly disappointing is the lack of courage to actually fill this biopic with four essential characters, so Fischer and I have to sit through several unnecessary cameos that only serve to switch between the side-plots for the thrilling finale everyone's watching on TV. It's as if the film is afraid that it's unable to showcase the importance and tension of the chess game of the century on its own merits. ()

Kuvagalleria (36)