
Neljä muslimimiestä päättää aloittaa oman pyhän sotansa ja yhdessä he alkavat suunnitella itsemurhaiskua, joka toisi heille kunniaa ja takaisi pääsyn paratiisiin.
Omar on kyllästynyt länsimaisuuteen, Waj haluaa, että joku vain kertoo hänelle mitä tehdä, Barry, länsimainen käännynnäinen, haluaa vain toteuttaa omaa nihilismiään sekä Fasil, joka taitaa kyllä pommien teon, mutta ei ole enää niin varma omasta itsemurhastaan, pitävät itseään uskonsotureina. Mukaan päätyy myös Hassan, jonka Barry värvää omin päin.
Pyhä sota osoittautuu hankalaksi, kun kyse on miehistä, joilla on kaikilla eri päämäärä ja eri näkemykset kuinka ne saavuttaa. (Future film)


Videot (2)


Arvostelut (6)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The most explosive and most wisecrack filled costume movie of all times, and since watching it I have had an irresistible urge to search for a furry prayer bear. Those who have known Morris since his Brass Eye days will find it hard to believe that he went even further (as far as correctness and humor are concerned) this time. Much further. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Honestly, I don't even know where to start with the review. The creators tried to lighten the theme of terrorism and added some spicy situations and quite entertaining dialogues between the main "heroes," but I believe such a topic shouldn't be treated lightly. As I mentioned before, the performances are probably the best thing the film has to offer. The camera work, which is generally shaky and gives off an amateurish vibe throughout the film, actually suited it well and didn't bother me at all. However, it is true that there were certain scenes that made me laugh out loud. The ending was surprising, and Benedict Cumberbatch's role as the negotiator was amusing, especially his conversation with the "terrorist" in the store. To sum it up, it's a film that didn't offend me but didn't excite me either. I give it 65%. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti One of the biggest, if not the biggest, problem of contemporary cinema is the lack of courage in naming things and processes around us by their proper name, conformism, and political correctness. There is a minority of films that play with incorrectness, but only a handful of them are truly incorrect and have undeniable qualities. Among them is Four Lions, which represents an interesting satire on the topic of the inability of Muslim minority integration in Western Europe. The four anti-heroes are insignificant zeros who live a forgettable, mundane life, and although society allows them to survive very comfortably, they replace their insignificance with political radicalism and dreams of jihad in the midst of a corrupt world that doesn't understand them. The screenwriter didn't hesitate to go to the edge, so terrorism is not only talked about but also acted upon, and even in the name of Allah, they die. Four Lions shows that an incorrect provocative film can be made without unnecessary vulgarities and basement jokes à la Sasha Baron Cohen. But still, the film won't receive the highest rating from me. After all, the pace and quality of the screenplay fluctuate, and out of the four main characters, only Barry alias Nigel Lindsay deserves commendation for the choice of suitable acting type and demonstrated acting skills. Nevertheless, it is probably the most daring film endeavor in its genre and subject matter today. Overall impression: 80%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A very politically incorrect comedy, maybe too much at times (and I say it as someone who generally sees incorrectness in film as a big plus). I didn’t like too much the unexceptional execution with an almost documentary camera (this style actually bothers me in films that don’t really require it), but the contents compensate for everything. Many scenes are downright hilarious. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti If you want to see a movie which features both a multiculturally enriched Britain, and a death caused by tripping over a sheep, if you don't know the difference between a bear and a Wookiee, or you've never seen the making of Al Qaeda threat videos on Al Jazeera, then Four Lions is exactly the movie for you. A brilliant blend of savage black humor and British humor. ()

Kuvagalleria (44)