
Joidenkin mielestä koulu on ihan perseestä. Kuten esimerkiksi opettaja Elizabeth Halseyn (Cameron Diaz). Hän on rääväsuinen, tyly ja tökerö. Hän juo, polttaa pilveä ja on vampannut itselleen elättäjän, jotta pääsisi eroon "paskaduunistaan". Mutta kun hänen äveriäs sulhasensa yllättäen jättääkin hänet, hänen täytyy panna tuulemaan hurmatakseen komean ja varakkaan sijaisopettajan (Justin Timberlake) – jonka huomiosta hän joutuu tosin kilpailemaan virkaintoisen opettajakollegansa Amyn (Lucy Punch) kanssa. Ja kun Elizabeth vielä samaan aikaan tylyttää hänelle flirttailevaa jumppamaikkaa (Jason Segel), hänen hurjat tempauksensa ja juonittelunsa menevät lopulta sellaiselle sykkyrälle, että läksyn oppivat niin hänen opiskelijansa ja työtoverinsa kuin ennen kaikkea hän itse. (Walt Disney Nordic Fin.)


Videot (3)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (10)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Cameron Diaz combined with Justin Timberlake and Jason Segel just makes it enticing... but no one warns you beforehand that Timberlake is playing a complete idiot, Jason Segel doesn't get much of a chance to show what he can do, and it's as good as ever with Cameron. Some of the black-humor jokes were pretty good, but I was insanely bored for a while. Cam looked like a posh twenty-something one day and the next day I couldn't count the wrinkles on her face. In short, I found her role, character, and appearance terribly disjointed. The script is also bland, so I definitely won't get above 3 stars. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Negatives: 1) I’m not very fond of Cameron Diaz. 2) Jason Segel's acting seems like a bad joke to me. 3) The authors could have gotten more out of Elizabeth. 4) Predictable plot. Positives: 1) Cameron Diaz wasn’t all that annoying in this film. 2) Justin Timberlake played exactly the kind of homo I consider him to be. 3) the character of Lynn Davis - confident and determined under all circumstances. 4) criticism of small-town hypocrisy. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti When I heard the title Bad Teacher, I imagined all sorts of things, but I definitely didn���t expect what I got. Cameron Diaz plays one of the most insufferable characters I’ve ever seen, yet somehow she’s insanely hot, and every scene she’s in is pure gold. This movie is a completely different kind of comedy than what you're used to, and honestly, I had a blast watching it. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I can't help it, but I was absolutely blown away by Bad Teacher, I haven't laughed this hard at a comedy in a long time. Cameron Diaz may be a bit jaded, but she's still on fire as a comedian, and when she's backed up by other great comedians like Justin Timberlake, Jason Segel and Lucy Punch, I have no complaints. The abundance of bad language and swearing wasn't at all a bad thing, and I'm certainly not one of those opposed to a slightly peppier script, so I duly enjoyed this ride. In short, I've been excited to see this since the trailer and there's no sign of any disappointment. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A surprisingly good comedy that I didn't want to see because of Cameron Diaz. I don't need the smiling, stupid dolls she's built her career on. But there's no "sex bomb" here = Yay! She's a brash, vulgar, drinking bitch who cares about money first and herself second, and who hasn't been seen without circles under her eyes for a long time. In short, an ideal, unusual character - and brilliantly acted. The couple, who left the movie theatre in disgust after half an hour, probably didn't expect this. Yes, most of the humor comes from the heroine's conflict with the "normal" rest of the world, but if you join in on the game you'll be entertained. There is also a good scene when the teacher explains to one of her students why his dream girl is not interested in him, and she tells him without embellishment, harshly but truthfully. However, I was disappointed that the film, which had been ignoring clichés all along, ended with the most predictable ending possible. And points off for the unnecessary and awkward bed scene. That gives Bad Teacher a weaker four stars, which is actually something like a B. And I've always happy to get one of those. ()

Kuvagalleria (28)