
Marvel Comicsin epätavallisimpaan antisankariin perustuen, DEADPOOL kertoo kuinka entinen erikoisjoukkojen jäsen ja nykyinen palkkasotilas Wade Wilson, saa luvattoman kokeen jälkeen kiihtyneet parantumisvoimat ja kehittää alter egokseen Deadpoolin. Uudet kyvyt ja musta kieroutunut huumorintaju apunaan Deadpool etsii käsiinsä miehen, joka melkein tuhosi hänen elämänsä. (SF Film Fin.)


Videot (12)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (20)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Good, pretty good. It's actually exactly what I wanted to see and what they promised. There were a couple of times I thought it could have been even wilder, but I can understand that a freak like Deadpool still needs to be tamed the first time around. The budget wasn't the highest, nut fortunately they manage to mask it well most of the time. The opening scene is intense and the crappy visual effects do peek out a few times at the end, but by that time you'll like the main character so much you won't care. It's all about Deadpool. He's exactly the kind of likeable asshole who can spout crazy lines, enjoy perversely funny situations and cut his opponents to pieces. Ryan Reynolds and everyone behind the camera clearly enjoy it and understand that if they don't have the resources to make a major league comic book blockbuster, then they should at least enjoy their smaller film and hope that this enthusiasm rubs off on the audience. It worked. There's a lot that could be faulted with Deadpool, but its disarming honesty and joy at being made and being exactly what Reynolds and Tim Miller envisioned it to be will easily win you over in the end. Unless you mind masturbation jokes and an above-average number of severed limbs. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Watching Deadpool is a bit like walking around Wenceslas Square with a drunken friend who goes to the middle of the sidewalk and starts pissing. Every ten seconds he screams: I GOT MY DICK IN MY HAND!, which is quite funny at first, but then it becomes a little predictable and tiring. Deadpool is unique not in that he is so different from other superheroes, but in that he constantly thematizes the difference and hits the audience over the head with it. Otherwise, he’s just as transparent as Captain America, only where the captain behaves like Dušín, Deadpool will necessarily always behave like a dick. It is simply a model return of the suppressed. Marvel has pushed the violence, vulgarity and sex out of its films for so long that there was enough material for Deadpool to fill all the holes (fists) in an exemplary manner. It works as fan service and lubricant for the next X-Men films, where there will definitely not be any cursing or masturbation. And the same goes for the entire Marvel Universe, whoever is behind it. Don't get me wrong - the one-liners are great, the action is great. But beneath the surface of the jokes toward correctness and masturbation, at its core is exactly the same barren romantic story with a bad villain (Ed Skrein = lame), as in the case of many other comic films. Deadpool earns money by pointing out its weaknesses, but the result is not as fun and cohesive a spectacle as The Guardians of the Galaxy, but rather a confusingly zigzagging mix that masks its weaknesses with pubertal excesses. From my point of view, it doesn't work as a movie, but rather as a fanboy mix of gags with a variable level. As the runtime grows, so does the feeling that the film is on auto pilot and there is one good gag for every three average ones. OK, it’s fine, but the magic of Kick-Ass doesn't happen again, because Vaughn can pee against the wind without stressing to you a hundred times that he's holding his dick in his hand, and that is something that’s not supposed to be done. Too bad I'm not 20 years younger. As my colleague Samohan Řepák rightly remarked: it could have been the best film I had ever seen. In the tradition of Czech film, I have to rename this to a SUPERHERO FILM. [60%] ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The most refreshing comic-book adaptation of the decade, Deadpool boldly stride against the established safe paths of Marvel, cleverly and with the knowledge of the universe of its origins, not taking itself seriously, yet overshadowing everything that does. Honestly, with the thoughtfully edited (!) and heartfelt dramatic storyline, excellent catchphrases and great, easy-to-follow action sequences. And without the annoying digital bullshit. It is a comic-book adaptation with a smaller budget, but with more heart put into it by its creators. Maybe over time I will increase my rating to five stars, as enthusiasm usually grows with the second viewing. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti After I watched the trailer for the first time, I didn’t have much faith in Deadpool. However, the ratings at this site have outright made me go to the cinema to see for myself. The result is that Deadpool did exactly what it was supposed to do. It was a little awkward at the beginning. After half an hour, I didn’t know what to think, but as soon as Deadpool started to crack the one-liners, it was absolutely unparalleled and he kept firing them like bullets. At that moment, I was enjoying every possible and impossible character of this comic universe and I was thinking about whether anyone will even appreciate this movie in 20, maybe 30 years. In the end, it doesn’t even matter, because revenue is getting generated now and it is all-telling at the moment. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Aside from a certain mono-theme that gets tiresome by the end, what I actually find most frustrating about it is that Deadpool is only childish but rarely really smart. I'd have liked a few more action-planning sketches, but also more questions about whether the studio really doesn't have the rights to more mutants. It reminded me a lot of Kick-Ass 2. I raise my middle finger seven times out of ten. ()

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