Norwegian Wood

  • Suomi Norwegian wood (lisää)
Traileri 3

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Tokio 1960-luvun lopulla: opiskelijat ympäri maailman ovat yhdistymässä valtaapitäviä vastaan ja Toru Watanaben elämä on yhtälailla myllerryksessä. Hän on sydämessään syvästi kiintynyt ensirakkauteensa Naokoon, kauniiseen ja ujoon nuoreen naiseen. Heidän vaikeaan suhteeseensa on vahvasti vaikuttanut parhaan ystävän kuolema vuosia sitten. Watanabe elää edelleen kuolema lähellään. Kunnes Midori, tyttö joka on Naokon täysi vastakohta – menevä, eloisa ja itsevarma – astelee hänen elämäänsä ja Watanaben on valittava menneisyytensä ja tulevaisuutensa välillä. (Cinema Mondo)


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Traileri 3

Arvostelut (3)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The book is better; the movie, come to think of it, fails to capture the whole atmosphere. Not that it's downright disappointing, but it's not what I wanted to see. It's a bit calculated and literally has a "feel good" ending. Those who haven't read it may have trouble navigating at times. The images alternate, but it doesn't feel like it's conveying anything. When someone died, it didn't even move me, I just stared blankly at the screen. It lacks the soul that the book has, which Trần Anh Hùng simply failed to bring to the screen. You can't even get a sense of all the bleakness and loneliness and uncertainty you feel while reading it. If I hadn't read it, this would have been an empty film for me. Too bad, I was really looking forward to it. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Anh Hung Tran obviously thinks that the way to film movies, especially adaptations of books founded on characters and melancholia, is to leave the characters to sit/walk/copulate (really only for the thickest-skinned viewers, five minutes of macro detail of a motionless face yelps in the end), then he lets them recite a randomly chosen sentence from the book and then willy-nilly graft on the “artiest" elements possible (e.g. soul torn asunder = shots of waves crashing onto rocks, never-ending shots of waves breaking onto rocks) and he repeats this over and over until he fills the entire one hundred and thirty minutes of the movie. I suffered in the movie theatre as I never have before. For the duration of projection, I was trying to think of who I most hate, so I could send him a copy. I found the answer very soon - Anh Hung Tran. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti When I think about writing this comment, I don't know if I'm actually evaluating a book or a movie. The literary original is one of the most splendid novels I have ever read. I agree with the critics that the atmosphere of the book was not successfully transferred to the movie. Japanese films are quite different, much more than, for example, books. I enjoy reading Murakami, Kawabata, Kanehara, but I don't really like the Japanese filming style. However, I appreciate the courage to adapt a cult book into a movie. I could find dozens of objections, such as the nerve-wracking Naoko and the little space for Midori and her craziness, with which the book is sprinkled. Nevertheless, I will stick to the fact that the positives outweigh the negatives. Make a movie based on a globally successful book and then criticize. ()

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