
Traileri 2

Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Tiivistunnelmainen draama alkaa vuoden 1974 tulenarasta tilanteesta, jossa Richard Nixon jätti Valkoisen talon häpeällisten skandaalien saattelemana. Nixon kielsi syyllisyytensä lain edessä - mutta tuli hetki, jona hänen oli pakko tehdä tiliä teoistaan. Sen mahdollisti epätodennäköinen kandidaatti, brittiläinen talkshow-isäntä David Frost. Hän teki kaikkensa saadakseen ex-presidentiltä televisiohaastattelun ja onnistui lopulta vuonna 1977: tehtiin tv-historiaa. (MTV3)


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Traileri 2

Arvostelut (13)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti In this film, everything works like a well-oiled Swiss watch of the highest quality. Both of the actors in the titular lead roles deliver excellent performances in a dialogue duel focusing on a detailed portrayal of their characters, shot and edited in the most appealing way possible. This makes Frost/Nixon completely unique and it’s a testimony to Ron Howard’s extraordinary ability to render difficult subject matter in a way that pleases even the most consumerist viewer. No matter how good they may be, films of this kind are usually protracted, intimate and gloomy, offering an intellectual exercise rather than emotion or attractive visuals. Together with Hans Zimmer’s music and the ferocious chemistry (but also humility and respect) between the two rivals played by Michael Sheen and Frank Langella, the visuals of Frost/Nixon make this a juicy, sexy film delicacy. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti My Oscar favourite this year. After the awful The Da Vinci Code, Ron Howard must have had a fit of creativity and I applaud him. This film is one of the best political dramas in many years. It is engagingly shot, not boringly descriptive, on the contrary, through an interesting verbal TV duel between the two leading characters, it presents the socially tense period after the biggest stain on the political culture of the history of the United States, the Watergate affair (when a large part of the American society could not stomach Ford's amnesty on Richard Nixon's transgressions). With his piercing gaze, thoughtful diction and mesmerizing confidence, Frank Langella is about ten times more devilish than Nixon himself, and I hope he has a pleasant Oscar night. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti With this Oscar contender I have the same problem as with all other films by Howard, technically it’s flawless, but the emotional effect on me is zero. Those two hours went by nicely, the Frost-Nixon interview was great, but I don’t feel like watching this film ever again. If I had to compare it with this year’s other big political drama (Milk), Frost/Nixon would win by a long shot because I felt that this one at least knows what it Is about, while Milk felt very empty. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A boxing match between a political champion and a loser from an entertainment slum, 4 rounds at a dazzling pace and nerve-wracking gradation. Ron Howard undoubtedly trimmed the political issue, adjusted both characters and put them into the ever popular scheme "David vs. Goliath KO in the last round"... However, I am honestly searching in vain, trying to find out when I enjoyed it more and when, behind the brilliantly elaborated scheme, I found such an exciting background and point that goes beyond mere entertainment. The Frost/Nixon duel reveals the part of politics one has to follow breathlessly, media fireworks, a powerful story and a remarkable message about the power of the television screen. I don't think this film will surpass the other Oscar favorite, in my opinion. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Reflecting on one of the black shadows of American history while thoroughly dissecting diverse human characters, this two-hour conversation is propelled by Howard's reliably craftsman-like direction and the amazing acting performance by everyone (!) involved. Yet despite the exceptionalism of the supporting parts, it is ultimately the excellent Martin Sheen and his crackpot 1970s metrosexual who falls flat on his face, and especially (I’m not afraid to use the word) the brilliant Frank Langella, who do in fact carry the film. The way Langella inhabited the character of Richard Nixon - a tall but stooped man who has been whittled to the bone by two years of affairs, yet still has that dark sparkle in his eyes and the sharp tongue with which he can fend off opponents - reminds me in many ways of oil tycoon D. D. Lewis. The fact that Langella was politically overlooked in the Oscar race in favor of the homosexual Milk made me jump out of my chair. And finally, there’s Ron Howard - the religious conspiracy screaming is forgiven because the visual concept (excellent editing and cinematography) and overall swing bring the film to the absolute peak. Along with Stone’s W., this is one of the most interesting "political" films of recent times (maybe even years). ()

Kuvagalleria (51)