
Buffalo Billinä tunnettu psykopaatti kidnappaa ja murhaa nuoria naisia ympäri Yhdysvaltain keskilänttä. Vakuuttuneena teoriasta 'ymmärtääkseen jotakuta on oltava sitä itse', FBI lähettää agentti Clarice Starlingin (Foster) haastattelemaan mielipuolista vankia saadakseen psykologista taustatietoa ja johtolankoja sarjamurhaajasta. Haastateltava on psykiatri Tri. Hannibal Lecter (Hopkins), yliälykäs, murhanhimoinen ihmissyöjä, joka suostuu yhteistyöhön vain, jos Starling tyydyttää hänen sairaalloisen uteliaisuutensa kertomalla yksityiskohtia omasta, sekavasta elämäntilanteestaan. (SF Film Fin.)


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Arvostelut (9)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An incredibly atmospheric, possibly even hypnotic thriller. The masterful screenplay, brilliant camera work, and brilliant performances by all main and supporting characters guarantee a captivating spectacle that you will want to experience again. Even on multiple viewings, you will appreciate the complexity and precision of the screenplay and the performance of Anthony Hopkins as the demonic Hannibal Lecter – his best role. Of course, there are several repugnant and brutal murders, but that is a part of the film and I think criticizing this aspect is entirely inappropriate. It is difficult to find any shortcomings, everything is exactly as it should be. Well-deserved Oscars. One of the best films of the 1990s. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti "And Grandma, why are your eyes so big?" – "I have just seen Silence of the Lambs, dear Little Red Riding Hood, and I'm still reeling from it.” I first saw this film in the cinema before it was famous, not many people knew about it and the Oscars were six months away. When I came out of the cinema I observed the other people, everyone looked puzzled, no one even spoke. I arrived home feeling I had seen something special. My mother asked “so, how was it?” And I answered, “mum, believe me, we are going to hear a lot about this movie,” and the following Oscar ceremony proved me right. This film is indeed something special. If possible, watch it in the original if only for the voice of Anthony Hopkins. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I've waited 21 years and I still don't feel like I've missed anything crucial. The Silence of the Lambs is "only" a good film and of course, Hopkins' scenes with Foster are strong, but there are not that many of them and as a detective story it goes completely over my head. Yet as a complex franchise, it's certainly tolerable. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Looking back, maybe this wasn’t such a ground-breaking movie as it seemed when it was first released. The truth is that neither Buffalo Bill nor the screenplay are at all original - on the other hand, in technical terms this is excellent and has a brilliant and believably urgent atmosphere, excellent music by Howard Shore and a well-adapted screenplay. So this is a good above-average affair. But what gives The Silence of the Lambs its place in cinema history is the relationship, dialogs and quality of acting (or almost living the parts) of Agent Starling and Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Even today this is the absolute zenith of cinema, not just in this genre. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The flagship of the 90s psychothriller genre, which blended traditional crime thriller with a horror atmosphere and morbid details. The Silence of the Lambs managed to transcend genre limitations, winning five Oscars for its "depraved" genre and garnering enthusiastic reviews from film critics. Several fortunate moments converged during the film's production - a clever script that, despite the bizarre nature of its antiheroes, navigates within a realistic setting; a skillful director who crafted the film's allure not through frantic action or bloody, naturalistic violence, but through a carefully constructed atmosphere brimming with tension, uncertainty, and fear. Naturally, the excellent casting also contributed to its success, with the seemingly fragile Jodie Foster and the typographically precise Anthony Hopkins, who embodied the monstrous charm of Lecter and became the most captivating serial killer in film history. Overall impression: 95%. ()

Kuvagalleria (105)