
Räjähtävässä toimintaelokuvassa elämäänsä kyllästynyt hissukka Wesley Gibson ei tekisi pahaa kärpäsellekään... ainakaan aluksi. Elo junnaa paikoillaan, kunnes Wesley tapaa salaperäisen ja seksikkään Foxin, ja nainen johdattaa hänet salaiseen paikkaan jota hallitsee mystinen Veljeskunta... (MTV3)

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suomi Yksinkertaisesti kaameaa kuraa. Ei sinänsä kylläkään tylsää, koko ajan jotain tapahtuu, mutta usein kliseistä ja täynnä älyttömyyksiä (esim. kulman taakse ampumista en todellakaan sulata). Sitä paitsi James McAvoy ei kuulu suosikkeihini ja tämän elokuvan minulta jopa pilaa. Isona ilahduttavana plussana on Konstantin Chabenskijin mukana olo. Kieltäydyn kuitenkin tykkäämästä elokuvasta, joka ihan oikeasti perustuu yritykseen panna katsojaa halvalla luotien suuntaa kääntäen. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A very pleasant surprise. Great actors, good action, not nearly as bad a script as I expected and above all a generous portion of directorial ideas. Too bad about the lower budget and thus unimaginative production design and maybe too frantically filmed fights. Anyway, an enjoyably anarchic extravaganza that pulls no punches. ()



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englanti Bekmambetov picks up in Hollywood where he left off in Russia. He just lovingly wrapped the "nothing" plot in a screaming visual package, using A-list actors instead of ribbons. Morgan mentors on a flywheel (not meant in a bad way), Angelina pouts her lips seductively again after a long time, and James boldly shows his ticket to the acting elite club of his generation. I didn't catch on to the anarchy that much (I’m interested in the comics) and the comparison of forces with The Matrix also seems quite wrong to me. Still, I’m definitely giving it a thumbs up, particularly in that Len Wiseman should get one of the DVDs so he can see how to film "over the top" action without necessarily looking stupid. 4 ½. ()


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englanti Let your heart rate increase to 400, let yourself be kissed by Angelina Jolie, and above all, let go of everything. Because it's just futile writhing from nowhere to nowhere. You won't find a more peculiar way to find spiritual revival anytime soon. Twist the path to the bullets, fulfill the mission, or just enjoy it splendidly. Because James McAvoy as the God of Chaos is watching over you and makes you forget that the plot about a woven message is actually just incredible nonsense. So now you can tell me: why are you here...? ()


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englanti Or: How the Russians (I know, he’s from Kazakhstan, but still) pays Czechoslovakia a “friendly" visit, like they did in 1968, this time for American money. I’ve liked Bekmambetov ever since Night Watch, but back then he didn’t manage to keep total control. Then, in Day Watch, he let go of the reins far too much. At the beginning of Wanted, my hopeful smile was wiped from my face by the opening action scene. It’s a long time since I saw such dumbness and pure awkwardness on the silver screen. It’s just far too much. I awaited in horror what was to come. But then it managed to push itself off the bottom of the anti-talent pool to incredible quality. Even the Palahniukesque toiling of the main “pimp" indicated that Timur and his gang might manage after all. And then it really gets going, one idea after another. This is an inaccessible action movie in all ways, despite having a functional story, good actors and even that stagnating Danny Elfman is on his way to the top again. And last but not least, you have to get used to an approach where loads of teenagers are fondling their darlings in the street. I mean pistols, not girls. This is a stylish celebration of weapons. But you know what? The arms industry couldn’t hope for a better commercial. ()

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