
Elokuvan pääosassa on teini-ikäinen töyhtökalliopingviini Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf), nouseva surffarilahjakkuus, joka osallistuu ensimmäiseen ammattilaiskisaansa. Kuvausryhmä dokumentoi Codyn värikkäät vaiheet, kun hän lähtee kotoaan Etelänavalta matkustaakseen Pen Gu –saarelle legendaariseen Big Z:n muistokisaan. Matkalla Cody tapaa intohimoisen surffarin Chicken Joen (Jon Heder), kuuluisan surffipromoottorin Reggie Belafonten (James Woods), kykyjenetsijä Mike Abromowitzin (Mario Cantone) ja topakan rantavahdin Lani Aliikain (Zooey Deschanel), jotka kaikki saavat nähdä, miten palavasti – joskus jopa pyrstönsä käräyttämisen uhallakin - Cody surffaamista rakastaa. Cody on vakuuttunut, että voitto toisi hänelle hänen kipeästi kaipaamaansa arvostusta ja ihailua, mutta kun hän yllättäen kohtaa erään vanhan surffihörhön (Jeff Bridges), joka opettaa hänet kulkemaan omia polkujaan, Cody saa huomata, että todellinen voittaja ei olekaan aina se, joka tulee ykköseksi kisassa. (Walt Disney Nordic Fin.)


Videot (1)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (5)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Damn, I would really like to try surfing. Surf’s Up is certainly one of the best animated movies for a long time. Filming the whole movie like a behind-the-scenes video was an excellent idea. Plus Shia rocks. It’s as if Cody Maverick gained not only his voice, but his acting talent too :-). It’s simply entertainment, no forced message about this or that. It’s about dreams coming true and the art of having fun. Yeeah. I’d ride a nice wave right this minute... ride a tunnel, but we don’t have a sea here in Nový Jičín. Dammit! :-) ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I feel like lately, everything has been affecting me deeply... True, the creators really put effort into this animated film. Besides managing to create a fairly interesting story - not particularly original, but interesting - they also succeeded in using a slightly different style. Most of the film is shot like a documentary, and it looks good. Occasionally, you forget about it, but then it reminds you, and it's okay. It works, just like the emotions in the film. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti "Help the Chicken..." With the ease of an Australian surfer, Surf’s Up breaks through the already somewhat murky puddle of the same old computer-animated movies. The problem, however, is that it is fresh only in form, but not in content. The editing of the would-be documentary fits perfectly, but all the potential of this form is shown-off in the imaginative opening scene with the history of penguin surfing and in the interviews before the camera immediately afterwards... Then followed by recycling of the same thing in a hundred and one ways. The theme is a family "classic" about self-confidence, falling on your face (or beak), and finding the right values. Surf’s Up has precisely, and I mean precisely, the same plot and twists (if you can even call them that) as last year's Cars from Pixar. The aura of an enjoyable movie can't be shaken off Surf’s Up, but it is a crying shame that it has such frighteningly mediocre content. If it didn't, it would be truly worth it. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The filmmakers transformed an excellent subject that pokes fun at the established practices (and clichés) of sports documentaries into what can be called "heavy comfort." The fact that they are traditionally aware of their own options and abilities doesn't matter here because the vocal charisma of the actors gives it incredible energy, with great animation to boot. A damn fine hour and a half. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The animation was masterful, and the idea with the film crew was great, but that's all the film had to offer. The story was clearly predictable, I got bored at times and only Chicken Joe really managed to make me chuckle. In short, I have seen far better animated films that were much funnier. This time, it didn't work out so well. ()

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