Hämähäkkimies 3

  • Yhdysvallat Spider-Man 3
Traileri 3
Yhdysvallat, 2007, 139 min

TV-sarjan luojat:

Matt Mariska


Sam Raimi


Stan Lee (sarjakuva), Steve Ditko (sarjakuva)


Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, Alvin Sargent


Bill Pope


Christopher Young


Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Thomas Haden Church, James Franco, Dylan Baker, Elizabeth Banks, Topher Grace, Bryce Dallas Howard, Theresa Russell (lisää)
(lisää ammatteja)


Elokuvassa Spider-Man™ 3 – Hämähäkkimies 3, joka perustuu legendaariseen Marvel Comicsin sarjakuvaan, Peter Parker on vihdoin löytänyt tasapainon MJ:n ja supersankarin velvollisuuksiensa välille. Myrsky nousee kuitenkin jo horisontista. Hänen pukunsa muuttuu yllättäen sysimustaksi ja vaikka se antaa hänelle entistä vahvemmat supervoimat, se muuttaa samalla myös hänen persoonaansa tuoden esiin hänen synkän, kostonhimoisen puolensa, jota on vaikea hallita. Puvun vaikutuksesta Peteristä tulee ylimielinen ja hän alkaa laiminlyödä niitä, jotka välittävät hänestä. Lopulta hän joutuu valitsemaan, pitääkö puvun kiehtovat voimat vai ollako entisensä hyväsydäminen supersankari. Samalla hän joutuu kohtaamaan omat riivaajansa, kun kaksi hurjaakin hurjempaa vihollista, Hiekkamies ja Venom, kokoavat ennennäkemättömät voimat ja janoavat kostoa, joka uhkaa niin Peteriä kuin kaikkia hänen rakkaitaan. (Walt Disney Nordic Fin.)


Videot (4)

Traileri 3

Arvostelut (10)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti My favorite part of the trilogy and apart from Kirsten Dunst, Bryce Dallas Howard is also a nice addition. I have no idea where the mistake was made, but keep the same satisfied audience for five years if they have enough of it. In retrospect, I appreciate many things, including the compactness of the series, the light humor, and the use of a generous number of characters. And I certainly don't feel that there is too much pathos. They’ve taken some of it away compared to the second one, which is much more extreme. And MJ at the theater? A total fairy tale. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti After the brilliant second film, Raimi a) joined a sect professing universal love and understanding, b) got on drugs, or c) just went crazy. How else are we to explain the emotional hyperboles in which Peter dances in the street in a perfect block, or receives the most poignant "life advice" from his aunt? Everything is so over the top that it simply CANNOT be taken seriously, and Raimi is simply fucking with the viewer for over two hours. I admit that it's really hard to absorb. On the other hand, the real problem I see is the underdeveloped characters, where in particular the villains lack proper motivation (otherwise Sandman and Venom are great) - in fact, absolutely everyone is lacking motivation. It's also unfortunate about some of the sloppy special effects in the action sequences, which look really bad in contrast to Sandman's perfect birth. All in all, it’s a rather uneven ride, but not at all boring, even though I found myself staring with my mouth wide open at times, and it wasn't just due to the action. Right now I’m giving it four stars, and I have to watch it again sometime so I can give it a proper review. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A very inconsistent movie and unnecessarily long. Raimi didn’t learn his lesson from the mistakes in the first two movies he made, far from it, he even makes them again and again, making this extremely painful to watch. The screenplay is bad, real bad. After getting rid of the whole original mythology it creates a brand new one, only much worse. What worked in the first two movies is completely out of place here, landing Parker in illogical situations and what he then does is more than just bizarre (I can’t even call it pretentious) humiliating himself in front of the viewer. I was literally praying for Parker to get into his suit or for the story moves to focus on one of the many villains. The action is great as usual and Venom, as I see it, was pretty good, but there should be hell of a lot more of him. Sandman’s tricks are among the high points of the movie although Flint Marko himself comes across a bit stiff. The biggest surprise was the character of Harry Osborn who became a much bigger hero than Spider-Man himself. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Average, sometimes incredibly bad and naive. Raimi wanted everything - depth and fun - and he came up with awkward CGI coloring pages with an unconvincing protagonist and such conspicuous clichés that they can't even be enjoyed. Visually, Spidey offers nothing new, and inside the film rumbles like an empty barrel, despite trying to look very wise and thoughtful. Taken as a whole, it doesn't hold together in any way, and Maguira's performance is truly the culmination... This was simple not very good. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Sam Raimi has completed the series of his dreams, and even if the whole world berated him for the ending not turning out well, there will always be one comic book fan who will be forever grateful for such a packed finale. In such a complicatedly developed story, nothing had to turn out well at all, and that's why I am even more shocked that, for the first time in his career, this director is perfect for me. The successful and happy Peter swaps roles with his dissatisfied love, and once again, the problems are not merely confined to the superhero realm. Most of us, however, were expecting action, and once again, it takes our breath away. The typical Spiderman villain Sandman, the Hamlet-like Harry, and my favorite, Venom, finally have their moment of glory, and during the grand resolution, all of my nerves and senses remained tense until the very last moment. Spidey's best part and the most amazing farewell to the series that could have happened to the group around Tobey Maguire. ()

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