
Elokuva kertoo rodeoratsastaja Jack Twististä (Jake Gyllenhaal) sekä maatila-apulaisesta nimeltä Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger). Miehet tutustuvat kesällä 1963 karjanajossa Wyomingin Brokeback-vuorella. Enniksen ja Jackin välille muodostuu odottamaton elämän mittainen yhteys, jonka vaikeudet, ilot ja surut todistavat rakkauden kestävyydestä ja voimasta. (Sandrew Metronome Fin.)


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kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Just like a children's picture book, this picture puzzle is filmed in an incredibly captivating way and the characters stand out beautifully. However, the film completely misses any deeper emotional impact in its picturesqueness, which is unfortunately due to the very careful handling of the provocative subject matter. This is due to the fact that if the relationship had been developed between heterosexuals, it would have been the perfect essence of kitsch, which, with the subject of homosexuality, seems more like a cheap pose than an effort to demystify not only the Wild West and cowboys as tough guys, but homosexuality itself. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A beautiful film, with haunting images and a slow pace narrative that resonates with my tastes, but it’s missing something for the 5*. First of all, I didn't quite believe the depth of the relationship between the two cowboys. As portrayed by Ang Lee, their sexual bonding seemed to be only a temporary romance, the infatuation of two people in the middle of the loneliness of the mountains, but for it to be such a strong and faithful relationship that is so passionate even after four years filled with marriage and children, there would have to be something more, something that is formed over months and years of living with each other and overcoming obstacles. I missed that, which is why I didn't believe their passionate kissing scene when they meet again, but please take that as a very subjective point of view. Otherwise it will be all praise, because what Ledger and Gyllenhaal do can't be called anything else than an ode to acting, and it’s mainly because of them, the beautiful cinematography and the unobtrusive, but impressive musical score, that this film is worth seeing. But don't expect a whirlwind of emotions, they come out rather subtly throughout the film. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A much more demanding film than it may seem at first glance. Ang Lee approaches a sensitive subject completely differently than I expected, without overflowing with emotions, and the viewer interprets everything solely through glances and sparingly tight actions. But when it comes to confession, it is powerful. I wouldn't indulge in total superlatives, given the excessively wide shots, but it captivates with its atmosphere and the performances of Heath Ledger and Anne Hathaway, drawing the audience's attention to the main couple and holding their breath exactly in those moments when I feel that hearts are breaking. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Here and now I understand what kind of actor we lost in Heath Ledger. A masterfully written and directed “unconventional western romance” set in incredible exterior compositions, while also being viscerally and powerfully intimate, with hidden emotions and the tragic nature of happiness long held just out of reach. Ang Lee guides the lead and supporting actors in the images and editing compositions as if he is painting a picture. In the atmosphere of the rough American retro-rural setting, he composes a perfectly focused mosaic of quiet desires and dreams, into which the tones of Santaolalla’s subtly complementary music hesitantly bring the cold mountain wind and the dust of the prairie. Every scene is a demonstration of filmmaking precision in constructing characters and telling a story covering twenty years in the lives of two people who could neither live together nor live without each other. And the lives of the people around them, affected by the resulting sad events. ___ Brokeback Mountain devastated me with the minimalist conclusion to the story in the most dignified form of cinematic art – without a trace of kitsch or tear-jerking by any means other than a softly spoken offscreen ending of the story that connects so powerfully with the preceding events that it’s heartbreaking. When they are done right, like Brokeback Mountain and Call Me By Your Name, these sad gay romances have, in the characters’ suffering over their social differences and difficult lot in life, a much more dramatic foundation than conventional hetero relationship films. Another probable reason for that is because it is so much easier to find a new girlfriend when things didn’t work out with the last one than it is to find a strong connection with someone from a group that makes up only two percent of the population. Perhaps it is something like a movie fan coming across a film that’s so well directed only once in a few years. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Dragged-out like nothing else on earth. Among the plus points we have Lee’s directing in isolated scenes, the acting performances and the believable relations between characters... But everything gets overshadowed by dog-weariness so great, that it doesn’t allow you to immerse yourself in to the movie (or penetrate in this case?). I personally would have appreciated it if Gyllenhaal and Ledger had swapped their roles, because the latter doesn’t fit the silent type at all, even though he does a good job of it. ()

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