Pitch Black



Pitch Black - Pimeän uhka on tehokas scifi-jännäri, jossa päivät ovat kuumia kuin helvetti ja yöt helvettiäkin pelottavampia. Avaruusalus on matkalla vankilaplaneetalle mukanaan tuomittu murhaaja, kun se yllättäen haaksirikkoutuu tuntemattomalle planeetalle. Haaksirikosta selviävät hengissä aluksen toinen lentäjä Fry (Radha Mitchell), murhaaja Riddick (Vin Diesel) sekä kymmenkunta muuta miehistön jäsentä. Aluksi miehistön suurimpana murheena on murhaaja-Riddickin vangittuna pitäminen, mutta yön tullen haaksirikkoutuneet tajuavat todellisen vaaran tulevan jostain aivan muualta. (Universal Pictures Fin.)


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Arvostelut (8)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Pitch Black is a film that I enjoy. Despite the fact that the script, acting and tricks very much indicate a B-movie, Twohy's interesting directorial rendition and a certain craft routine in working with editing and color filters improve this spectacle interestingly. The film also has a very decent atmosphere, and the chemistry of the "surviving and dying" group is above the level of most survival horror movies. Moreover, as the "hero" Riddick, Vin Diesel is sympathetically unpredictable and unscrupulous, and his cold-blooded deeds testify to a sick mind rather than a true heroic nature. A bit paradoxically, despite the initial potential, Pitch Black turned out more like an A-movie than many other similar genre films... The artistic solution is nice, the pace is well escalated and the end is to the point without any unnecessary pathos. This film is proof that with a little skill, even a stupid screenplay can provide a basis for decent horror sci-fi. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A solid dark survival adventure, primarily benefiting from directorial invention, the charisma of the main character, and excellent technical tricks. The characters are only briefly outlined, so they do not offer us more than basic psychological traits, it is difficult to identify with them deeply. They are overshadowed by the most essential character, Riddick played by Vin Diesel, who has charisma to spare in this role. The atmosphere is excellent, and the superb work with lighting and camera filters also stands out. Here, the saying that less is sometimes more applies, with a small budget and a simple theme (a few survivors end up on a planet inhabited by aliens), it eventually turns into a quite solid and very watchable B-movie. It is a pity that the story is too straightforward and the visual effects weaker (or too CGI-looking). ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I have never fully understood the enduring popularity of Pitch Black, which has become a small cult hit. There are even those that consider this film to be a cheap version of Alien, although upon closer inspection, it is clear that both creators were aiming for something completely different and despite the seemingly similar starting point in the form of a dangerous extraterrestrial organism, the quality of both films is light years apart. Where Scott hires top-notch theater actress, Twohy prefers a model with no film experience. Where Scott carefully builds atmosphere and works with a wide range of human emotions, from excitement of discovery to nervousness and tension, and even to sheer despair, Twohy primarily reduces his film to a routine action movie in the second half, with an invincible hero equipped with a tough shell, but a good heart. :-) The only positive aspect for me is the presence of the charming Radha Mitchell in an atypical role for her. Overall impression: 25%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I had a great time, though a lot of it is thanks to the charisma and gritty performance of Vin Diesel, who is clearly the biggest star. But the space creatures are also very good and worthy of respect thanks to the dark and disturbing shots – perhaps the glimpses through Riddick's glasses are worth much more than a series of brutal scenes or frantic emptying of magazines. David Twohy has managed to come up with something new again, and although in many ways he took inspiration in Cameron's Aliens, his brisk adventure has its own specific charm, and especially the final part in the dark puts Pitch Black alongside the best monster B-movies... 75% ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Great cinematography, play with light, lots of directorial ideas and the charismatic Vin Diesel all characterize this very good B-movie, which will be a treat for all fans of alien sci-fi horror. For example, the scene where Riddick stares intently at the predator and copies the movement of its head is truly unforgettable, and there are more moments like that. Vin Diesel, who until then I knew only from a cameo in Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan, was a very pleasant surprise, muscle combined with acting talent and charisma. If he continues to be this damn cool in his other films, I'm not worried about his future. ()

Kuvagalleria (46)