Elegidos para el triunfo

  • México Jamaica bajo cero (más)


Cuatro jóvenes jamaicanos deciden competir en la modalidad de bobsleigh en los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Calgary, Canadá. Con pocos recursos y sin la menor idea de cómo son los deportes de invierno, pero con orgullo, determinación y dignidad, los jóvenes jamaicanos demostrarán que a veces hasta los sueños más imposibles pueden hacerse realidad. (Disney+)


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Reseñas (4)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I’d like to immerse myself in the experience of everyone involved, whether they were the competitors themselves, their coaches, or the spectators at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. Seeing a Jamaican team at the Winter Olympics, especially a bobsled team, was certainly a unique spectacle. The Jamaicans surprised everyone and showed that even those from tropical regions can compete with the best nations that boast SNOW in this sport, proving that one of the most important factors is friendship, which can take you a long way. Now back to the film. I enjoyed it in every aspect. I must commend the casting of the main actors; each character brought a different personality, leading to various amusing situations. The film blends multiple genres, which usually ends poorly, but it managed to mix them seamlessly. At one moment, it delivers a great joke, then shifts to a serious message, and at times provides dramatic moments. I fully immersed myself in the bobsledders' experience and lived through everything with them. Comedies rarely succeed this well, but this one stands on a pedestal in my rankings alongside a few others. The ending is quite emotional, somewhat different from reality, but honestly, I don't think anyone minds. I give it 90%. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés "'Nuff people say, you know they can't believe, Jamaica, we have a bobsled team." Cool Runnings is an incredibly easygoing film that entertains and enlightens even on repeat viewings. The comedic element was mainly provided by the (as always funny and natural) John Candy and Doug E. Doug with his "Rastafarian stuff". Along with the comedy and sporting line, there are a few more serious moments that have a bit of kitsch in them, but still always get me, especially in the case of the final race. An enjoyable and heartfelt film about how it's not important to win, but to participate and go proudly after your dream regardless of the reactions of others. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I thought that after all these years, and also after reaching thirty years of age, this movie wouldn't appeal to me as much as when I was a child, but I found that some movies just don't age, even as the viewer ages. I was still having fun and I was still touched. This movie just keeps going and does it well. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A solid laid-back family film loosely based on true events. It’s is kept afloat mainly by John Candy and Zimmer's music. ()

Galería (15)