El alpinista

  • Estados Unidos The Alpinist (más)
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En la línea de poderosos relatos al límite del descalabro como Free Solo, este documental relata la historia de Marc-André Leclerc, un fanático del alpinismo sin cuerdas. Marc-André Leclerc escala solo, lejos de los focos. En lugares alpinos remotos, el joven espíritu libre canadiense de 23 años lleva a cabo algunos de los ascensos en solitario más atrevidos de la historia. Aun así, apenas llama la atención. Sin cámaras, sin cuerdas y sin margen para el error, el enfoque de Leclerc es la esencia de la aventura en solitario. Fallecido en marzo de 2018 mientras intentaba una ascensión en las Torres de Mendenhall, en Alaska, Leclerc fue conocido por sus ascensos en solitario de numerosas montañas en varias partes del mundo. Completó los primeros ascensos en solitario de invierno de la Torre Egger en la Patagonia y la Emperor Face del Monte Robson. (Movistar+)


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todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I guess it hooked me a little less than Free Solo, but it's still a pretty powerful story of one climber and it's admirable what he accomplished. From a purely cinematic point of view, however, I felt that Free Solo had much more to offer, whether it was the richer narratives of the main character, the more striking visuals, or the overall story around climbing. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés An attempt to capture two years of the "career" of perhaps the best alpinist of his generation. He’s so different that even the weirdos (in a good way) of Honnold's stripe consider him "somewhat peculiar". It wants to be a portrait of the motivations of someone who takes on the riskiest challenges ever, what drives them to do it and why, and at the same time, it aspires to be a medley of several human possibility-defying performances. In the first case, it is a hindrance that Marc-André doesn't let anyone (let alone a crew) near his body; and when he does, it is at such a great distance that getting under his skin is out of the question. In the latter case, the problem is that he has no need to spread the word about his plans, let alone invite/bring along a cameraman that would negate the intimate experience of a solo climb. Neither, however, means that the documentary fails. On the contrary, it grapples with these pitfalls, and this virtue out of necessity is in consequence its greatest merit. And, of course, Marc-André is the prototype of a fascinating personality with an unusually carrying and powerful destiny. Inevitably it is (and will be) compared to Free Solo, after all, it's about solo climbs without belay, often with the same locations. But both are about someone else and, as a result, about something else. Both are telling, breathtaking, fascinating, but in a completely different way and for completely different reasons. ()


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