Spider-Man. Cruzando el multiverso

  • México Spider-Man: A través del Spider-Verso (más)
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Tras reencontrarse con Gwen Stacy, el amigable vecindario de Spider-Man de Brooklyn al completo es catapultado a través del Multiverso, donde se encuentra con un equipo de Spidermans encargados de proteger su propia existencia. Pero cuando los héroes se enfrentan sobre cómo manejar una nueva amenaza, Miles se encuentra enfrentado a las otras Arañas y debe redefinir lo que significa ser un héroe para poder salvar a la gente que más quiere. (Sony Pictures Esp.)


Reseñas (11)



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inglés I've seen the first Spiderverse several times and I reckon I'll make time for the second one sometime in the future, and not just once. I'm a bit jaded about it now, though. The second animated Spider-Man is awesome and even more imaginative, playful and wilder in terms of audiovisual style, and isn't afraid to mix different styles together. It works well with the music and is simply great to watch. Plus, it works perfectly in the moments when it slows down and tackles romance, drama and emotion. You'll just root for a happy ending for these characters, even though it's obvious from the start that the road to it will be very thorny. Still, I do have one problem with Across the Spiderverse. It's a little too wild at times. The first fight with the The Spot felt a bit confusing and overly fast, and the same is actually true of all the action sequences, which are bigger and have an awful lot going on. I also had trouble keeping up with it a little bit. Even with the first film, I felt like the final battle needed a bit of a looser pace to enjoy it with everything, but here they step on the gas a bit more (it's a sequel rule, so that's to be expected), and I barely managed to exhale after each major action sequence, telling myself that it looked great, but at the same time I had to admit that I probably missed a lot of interesting stuff. I'm a bit sorry about that, because I would have liked to enjoy the movie to the max the first time and not think at the wildest scenes that I might have preferred to flip through an artbook at my own pace rather than watch a movie that was just crazy wild at times. A bit too much for my taste. After a second viewing, hopefully I'll be clear on whether the new Spidey is great or "just" damn good. EDIT: So I went a second time and knew what to focus on and enjoyed it a star more. ()


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español Una película de cómics animada increíblemente repleta que usa una perspectiva consciente, memes de Internet, alusiones a la cultura pop, una larga historia de los cómics y la sutileza con la que los cineastas abordan escenas de acción frenéticas y el trabajo de los personajes. Emocionante glotonería audiovisual llena de detalles imaginativos que, a pesar del ritmo ultrarrápido, los numerosos gags y la abundancia de acciones dinámicas, mantiene un serio nivel dramático a través de la historia de dos superhéroes adolescentes y su pasado familiar, en la que, por el contrario, destacan emociones tranquilas y pasajes de diálogo más lentos, relaciones familiares y temas del destino, el crecimiento y la lucha contra la predestinación. ()


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inglés The sequel to Spider-Man is a solid and excellent animated film, it's wild, creative, shocking, serious and rightly fatal, and the comparison to Infinity War is spot on. It's just that a few things slightly bothered me and that's why I can't give it a full score. The film has a lot of cool and eye candy stuff that will please any comic book fan. Visually it is a revolutionary spectacle, it’s action packed (I liked the opening fight with Vulture and the final epic chase with 100 spidermen, which is one of the best scenes of the movie and the viewer will want to repeat it again). The soundtrack is also excellent and perfectly fitting – I immediately looked up a few songs. The villain, The Spot, is impressive, but he doesn't get much space in the second, and they have saved him for the final part of the trilogy. The second half is all about Miguel O'Hara, whose character I enjoyed the most. The surprise final unexpected twists are also very shocking and take this whole film to the next level, I liked that. On the other hand, what disappointed me a bit is the big absence of humour, it's all too serious and in some passages could have been spiced up with some wisecracks, as the first half was quite slow paced and on the second viewing I'm afraid it might be a bit boring, but otherwise I'm extremely satisfied with this one. 85% ()


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inglés The pure wow effect of a head-on collision with something unprecedented and revolutionary, which dominated the experience of Into the Spider-Verse, naturally couldn’t happen again. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the second animated Spider-Man movie is an absorbing audio-visual explosion that still manages to conjure up the same delightfully goofy expression of wonder and fascination on the faces of viewers. Whereas live-action comic-book movies are running out of steam and losing the audience’s interest, the second Spider-Verse is hyper-dynamic, not only in the way it depicts movement and action within individual shots and whole sequences, but also in terms of narrative and the expression of emotion. It has a lengthy runtime, but in spite of that it remains an impressive piece of work given everything that the film manages to convey in the course of it. And not just in terms of peripeteias and dialogue, but also in the breadth of the titular Spider-Verse. The medium of animation itself plays an essential role in this. Whereas the animation in the previous film was breathtaking mainly from the perspective of expressive physical movement, this time it takes on a narratively illustrative and emotionally impressive role. In particular, viewers are aided in finding their bearings across the various parallel worlds and their inhabitants not only the stylisation of the drawing, but also by the animated interpretation, from the technical execution to the rendering of the stylistic specifics in time and space (from sketch-like elements and action lines, through the handling of movement and poses, to the scale and use of typographic VFX). The animation also makes it possible to express and convey emotions in a condensed and very effective way – again from body language and expressive stylisation of facial expressions (unlike in live-action comic-book movies, the animated Spider-Man is not in any way limited by his mask) to the work done with the colour palette of the given scene and the proportional deformation of the characters. In addition to that, we also have a sophisticated meta-treatise on the conflict between personal will and a rigid canon, which unsurprisingly can be extended from the central story to the iconoclastic position of the animated Spider-Verse movies, which are brimming with creativity in comparison with the live-action Marvel films conformably occupying the space within the usual and automatically accepted boundaries of pseudo-realism and clichés. But that is rather the icing on this perfectly thought out and phenomenally rendered cake. The animated Spider-Man catapults us into a new dimension of blockbuster entertainment and it will be interesting to see if its live-action fellow travellers will hang their heads in shame alongside the animated competition that has already come into being. ()



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inglés A buttload of ideas, a celebration of all the artists who gave each of the worlds a special and unique atmosphere. The action scenes are so awesome that you will want to go back to the cinema very soon, to enjoy and study them. However, it is not only the visuals that keep the viewer engaged, the script also deserves praise. Each character is well thought out, has a mini-story and evolves. The wisdom that the Spider-men/women share makes sense and is fun (because Spidy is a funny guy), every viewer will find something here. I, like Peter B. Parker, also had a daughter since the first episode, and did I identify my paternal stereotypes in him? Of course I did! And that’s how well the characters are written. Everyone will find something. It also has its own fatality and an unusual villain who got caught by a donut in the first film and then had a bit of bad luck. From nerdy scientist and third-rate villain to the destruction of the multiverse quickly and easily? Well, maybe not destruction... maybe, because we'll have to wait for the next part. So, to sum up: after the magazine ad, it steps on the gas pedal all the way to the floor and doesn’t slow down until the open ending. ()


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inglés Deducting half a point for the ending, It's not a series to be abruptly cut off during a crucial turning point. Since the title didn't mention anything like "Part 1", I was left feeling somewhat cheated, akin to an evening of the best sex I've had (in the past couple of years) suddenly disrupted halfway through, with a smile and "Come back in a year..." and the door slamming shut. This sentiment wasn't mine alone; the parents in the cinema were furious about the ending like little children, and their little children were just as disappointed. Despite the half-empty theater mid-week, the shared discontent only intensified my own frustration. However, I'm reluctant to deduct more than half a point because, overall, this was an amazing experience. Catering to zoomers, boomers, parents, and children alike, the film is dynamic, filled with great lines, touching emotions, and a universal message about the importance of family. From various perspectives, it manages to stay relevant to everyone. In the realm of animation, Spider-Man exudes creative brilliance, incorporating pop culture references, nods to other Spider-Man movies, and notably, flawlessly utilizing the famous Spider-Man meme template. Aside from the abrupt ending, I find little to criticize. The film held my attention throughout, and its almost two-and-a-half-hour runtime just raced by. If told I could watch another three-hour sequel, I'd gladly stay until midnight. Like Into the Spider-Verse, this was an exemplary animation experience, showcasing the medium's capabilities and adept use of colors to enhance scene atmospheres. If not for the ending — but enough about that, 9.5/10! ()


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inglés Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant animation! The last time there was anything like this was five years ago, really, but more importantly: Brilliant story! An animated film that can leave at least eight live action films featuring Spider-Man biting the dust, that’s something you must see. Every joke, every dialogue, every character, every action scene has its place. At first, I was scared that the movie ran two hours and twenty, but when it was over, I felt it wasn't enough. So I'm looking forward to the third part immensely (as if I wouldn’t after that finale), and given how packed this one is, I've definitely got something to keep me entertained until the premiere. ()


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inglés There have been plenty of films about parallel worlds lately, and I'm glad that the second animated Spider-Man doesn't just rip off its predecessors, but like the first one, forges its own path, especially thanks to the phenomenal art styling that goes hand in hand with the engaging story. The imagination of the artists has no limits in this sequel, and you witness a visual concert with several types of animation, as well as live-action (I liked the nostalgic connection to the previous Spider-Men). As I said before, the film also benefits from a story that, in addition to parallel dimensions, works with the rewarding motif of the inevitability of fate, making the viewer think and not just watch mindlessly, as is often the case with animation. The film gets off to a bit of a slow start, but I commend the fact that there was a certain recapitulation of the first film, five years after which the plot picks up speed (the fights with The Spot and the ultimate Spider-Man chase were flawless) and stops only at the open ending, which set the stage for the third installment. A truly outstanding visual experience, and one that would be a sin to watch only on the small screen. ()


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inglés I was skeptical about this film before the screening, and for a while I doubted whether it could move forward meaningfully in terms of plot from the first part, whether it could still be visually arresting, and whether the humor and characters would be entertaining enough to carry it. But all of that left me after a while, and I'm back to being excited like a little kid and wanting the next part right now because I can't handle waiting another year. Story-wise, the film makes perfect sense, it composes the MCU Spiderverse elements perfectly, it completes the concept of the multiverse, it serves us cameos from the "live-action" Spider-Man, comic book memes of the three Spider-Men, a bunch of fun references and especially the characters. With these, I was worried if they could even hold a candle to Spider-Ham, but here we get not five Spider-Men like in the previous part, but literally hundreds to thousands of versions of him, and Indian Spider-Man, Spider-Horse, a Samurai Spider-Man, and a Spider-Car that had me in stitches with laughter. The best part of it all is that the visuals and comic book style once again bust my balls, bringing a fresh style to the screen and that we once again have plenty of action, with the definite highlight being the fight of a hundred Spider-Men against each other, where I didn't know who to look at first and was squirming in my seat like a prostitute in church. As the film draws to a close, it adds to the hardness, the tension builds and the harder and harder punk-rock-hip hop insert kicks in until the very finale, which.... Well. I guess we'll have to wait for that. It certainly leaves a bit of a bitter aftertaste to the end of a brilliant comic-book pleasure for nerds of the highest level, and is a bit reminiscent of Harry Potter 7.1 or Dune, but at least we have something to look forward to. Awesome!! ()


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inglés I gave the previous installment a five-star rating because its originality, blend of animations, action, and humor left a lasting impression on me. Yet, I found myself putting off watching the sequel. Today, I decided to dive into the multiverse. I was concerned that the sequel might not live up to its predecessor, and unfortunately, it turned out to be true. While my disappointment was mild, it was disheartening to see the creators rely on overkill, as if they believed that without overwhelming the audience, they'd fall short. Additionally, I noticed a decrease in humor, which was a significant departure from what made the previous part so enjoyable for me. The shift towards darker and more serious themes didn't necessarily resonate with me; I missed the lighthearted moments that brought laughter. It felt like humor took a backseat to the exploration of various family values. Despite my criticisms, I found myself thoroughly entertained throughout, barely noticing the film's runtime. Still worth a solid four stars. / Lesson learned: Just because you can stick to objects, walls, or people doesn't necessarily make you Spiderman. It might just mean you need to wash your hands. With soap. 4*+ ()


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inglés Perfection! Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has a level of originality, sophistication, and inventiveness that leaves the competition light years behind. It not only lives up to the brilliance of the first installment but also manages to elevate it further. It sets the bar high for what animated movies can achieve. Phenomenal in every detail. ()