Mučedníci lásky

  • inglés Martyrs of Love (título del festival)
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Relatos / Poético / Parábola
Checoslovaquia, 1966, 71 min


Riding the wave of international fame that came with his first two feature films, artistically emboldened, Němec turned to his first love – music – to try his hand at an enjoyable audience pleaser. Featuring pop stars Karel Gott and Marta Kubišová (who later became the director's second wife) in lead roles, with cameos by the two girls from Chytilová's Daisies and director Lindsay Anderson as traffic policeman, Martyrs of Love is the most perfect embodiment of Němec's vision of a film world independent of reality. The nearly dialogue-free music comedy about three timid lovers, which combines aesthetics of 1920s silent slapstick cinema with romantic music of the 1960s, cemented the director's reputation as the kind of unrestrained nonconformist the Communist establishment considered the most dangerous to their ideology. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)


Reseñas (2)


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inglés After Diamonds of the Night, this is the second and almost definitive proof for me that Jan Němec's allegories are not for me. I will never like music that doesn't fit the atmosphere, trivial plots elevated to art by erasing dialogue, and characters that I almost hate due to their pasted-together actions. There will simply always be these kinds of wedges into the heads of viewers who love classical film. ()

lamps ¡Boo!

todas reseñas del usuario

inglés When they show gems like this in film school, which I also happen to study, I begin to wonder whether I shouldn’t rather study ethics in a remote corner of the world; it would make a lot more sense than this masterpiece. Sorry Honza… ()
