Los caballeros blancos

  • Bélgica Les Chevaliers blancs (más)
Tráiler 2

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Jacques Arnault, director de la ONG Sud Secours, planea con su equipo sacar de Chad a 300 huérfanos víctimas de la guerra civil y entregarlos a adoptantes franceses. Invitan a la periodista Françoise Dubois a que les acompañe y se encargue de la cobertura mediática de la operación. La brutal realidad de un país en guerra empieza a hacer mella en las convicciones de los miembros de la ONG, que deben decidir dónde están los límites de la intervención humanitaria. (Golem Distribución)


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Tráiler 2

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inglés After watching the movie, I was a bit sorry that the French tended to describe quite an interesting premise, but they approached it in such a way that would put to sleep even a mermaid in the ocean. The thing is the topic is pretty interesting for somebody who isn’t involved in this and it seems to be telling the story of people who have a tendency to help in Africa and who have quite good plans for the world around them. However, while watching the film, you get to know absolutely nothing. You will rather have the feeling that the group of people are simply watching and observing what’s going on around them, which is definitely not too far from the truth. But evidently they actually helped out over there. But how? A movie without an opinion, without answers, without a spirit and without life… ()

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