Los perros no llevan pantalones

  • Finlandia Koirat eivät käytä housuja (más)
Tráiler 1

Streaming (1)


Años después de la muerte de su esposa, Juha (Pekka Strang) lucha con la tristeza y el arrepentimiento. Pero encontrará consuelo en Mona (Krista Kosonen), una amante que está tan ansiosa de castigar a Juha como él desea ser castigado. Todo acaba por descontrolarse, ya que ninguno sabe hasta dónde están dispuestos a llegar. (Filmin)


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Tráiler 1

Reseñas (6)


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español Para alguien será romántica Casablanca o Pretty Woman, para alguien es esto. Una pareja aparentemente incompatible forma un vínculo a través del sadomasoquismo. Concebido abiertamente, sin concesiones, pero de forma decente, civilizada, con seriedad y humor, y sobre todo creíble, con un fondo psicológico funcional. Lo cual es casi inaudito en estas películas, de las que ya hay muy pocas. El director no quería hacer una película controvertida con sadomasoquismo, sino un divertido drama humano sobre dos extraños que se juntan en un entorno desconocido o incomprensible para la mayoría de los espectadores. [Cannes] ()


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inglés Any film that, despite a relatively explicit brutality, manages to not be primarily vulgar has a place in my heart. From the title, I was expecting a lighter perverted nonsense, but, believe it or not, this is a pretty serious film. You will laugh, yes, but then, when you’ve realise how fucked up the characters are, you’ll also get the chills. There hasn’t been another film in this year’s festival where I rooted less for the heroes. Which is actually interesting, given how screwed they are. The Finns aren’t afraid of that. Good for them. #KVIFF2019 ()



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inglés Finland throws a dark film about S&M games and it's a decent psychological oddity. The protagonist starts visiting the local dominatrix, who plays various sex games with him, and chills alternate with laughter. It's a very unusual premise that takes us into the dark recesses of fetishism and it's worth seeing not only for the premise, but also for two scenes that will make you uncomfortable. Tearing fingernails and teeth is probably the most difficult thing to endure of all, and here it is portrayed in its most authentic form. Fans of the North, beware. Story****, Action>No, Humor***, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music****, Visual****, Atmosphere****, Suspense**. 7.5/10. ()


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inglés When you say S&M in film, more than one of us (unfortunately) thinks of the "shades trilogy", which is not exactly an example of quality filmmaking, so you are glad that there are thematically close films from the other end of the quality spectrum. Dogs Don't Wear Pants is a very raw romance that isn't afraid to show a lot of things on screen, while maintaining a certain level of tastefulness and not trying to be overtly shocking or outrageous. We follow the story of two lonely people who, despite their somewhat harsher specific needs, are portrayed in such a human and understanding way that you just have to root for them. The two lead actors played their roles in a supremely convincing manner, and I was also impressed by the minor role of Ester Geislerová. I welcomed the fact that besides the raw romance and a few scenes that were uncomfortable for the audience (the initiated will know what I am talking about), there was also room for a few purposefully humorous scenes. Last but not least, I must praise the unmistakable musical score, which perfectly underlined the atmosphere of the film. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A very bold piece, the kind hasn't been on screen before. An unconventional romantic story dressed up in an S&M outfit, which at first glance looks like a soulless, straightforward and boring fetish story, but deep down it hides a psychological game of two lonely, broken people. It's slow paced, has a dark dirty camera filter, and certainly won't appeal to everyone, but if you accept certain rules and put yourself in the shoes of the main character, you’ll get a special experience that that will make you think for days after watching it. There are even some unexpectedly over-the-top scenes and all sorts of choking and similar perversions, so I'm satisfied. ()

Galería (30)