
Toni loves his espresso machine. Paul loves his mobile phone. Toni cannot live without his hair pills, Paul cannot live without his sacred sneakers. But above all Paul cannot live without Toni and Toni cannot live without Paul. Although they are unaware of this fact. It is always about who is better or cooler, and the result is: they end up without any furniture or clothes, naked and freezing. And that is just Day One! 100 days: that is the length of time they have bet that they can do without everything. Everyday, just one object returns. And already they have become entangled in questions that never occurred to them before: what do we really need? Do we own our possessions or do they own us? Does free will even exist, and how often can one turn one’s underpants inside out again before they have to be disposed of as hazardous waste? (Berlinale)


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español Vsadil bych boty, že když jsem v březnu strávil týden v Německu, že na mě ze všech plakátů k tomuto filmu zářila číslovka 99. Na druhou stranu je možné, že jsem si něco vyfabuloval. Námět se zasazením do dnešní doby více než aktuální, realizace se úplně nezdařila, protože se Florianovi rozběhlo ve scénáři příliš mnoho témat, z nichž ve finále nestačil uchopit ani jedno. Je obtížné napsat scénář, natočit film a ještě k tomu střihnout hlavní roli. Je to velká škoda, protože film měl nakročeno tuze dobře. Nu což, pokud nefabuluji i s čísly, v Německu slavil úspěch v návštěvnosti, a to se počítá. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Probably the most original comedy of the last few years and surprisingly from the Germans. Two best friends drunkenly bet that they will give up all their possessions for 100 days, with the understanding that they can get one thing back every day. A great premise that makes for a number of comical situations and when you add in the two likeable protagonists you've got a winner. The film manages to mine emotion towards the end as well and I was both pleasantly surprised and pleased with the whole experience. 80%. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I'm a sucker for a film that triggers debate and makes me think. And 100 Things had a lot of potential to spark some passionate debate. I'm quite surprised the film doesn't have a higher rating. Because putting such a good idea – and one borrowed from real life – into a pretty good comedy is a great thing, in my opinion. Sure, the app thing was a bit over the top, but it had to start and end somehow. 4.5 stars ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Another of those pleasant German comedies from recent years, which are funny just enough to receive average rating. They neither offend you nor take your breath away; you have fun but don’t need to see them again. This particular one, however, has a bonus in the form of an unorthodox view of the consumerist society, which made me add one star to my rating. ()


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inglés When it comes to humor, a good German comedy is the same metaphor as a collapsed harp tone. On the level of critiquing consumer value orientation, I haven’t bought any of those empty gestures from that millennial sort of philosophizing revolutionaries, and one can only look reverently at similarly motivated Up in the Air. If Matthias Schweighöfer were donned in armor, I might mistake him for Brienne of Tarth. ()

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