THX 1138

  • Estados Unidos THX 1138 (más)


THX 1138 vive en una sociedad futurista en la que se ha prohibido el sexo y se utilizan drogas para controlar a la gente. Cuando THX 1138 prescinde de las drogas y deja embarazada a una mujer, ambos son enviados a la cárcel. Desde ese momento, su único objetivo será huir. (Warner Home Video)

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todas reseñas del usuario

español THX 1138 es una descripción muy distintiva y visualmente impactante de un futuro sin alegría en el que los microchips toman el mando de los sentimientos, necesidades y deseos humanos. Al principio, los omnipresentes pitidos, las voces robóticas y las pantallas pueden ponerte de los nervios, pero una vez que te sintonizas con la historia, te espera una experiencia envolvente con una conclusión impactante. Aunque quizá no sea tan impactante hoy como lo fue en el momento de su estreno. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Fans of George Lucas are fundamentally divided into two groups: a minority that shrugs at how the director managed to film the provocative and visionary art-house sci-fi THX 1138 and then could slip into producing pop-cultural crap like Star Wars, and the majority who admire the amazing, entertaining, colorful, and playful Star Wars, only to later discover that Lucas had previously made some strange pseudo-sci-fi without rhyme or reason, with heroes using a peculiar vocabulary, in stark settings, which bears no resemblance to his later great blockbusters. I myself belong to the first group. THX 1138 captivated me with its atmosphere of a dehumanized, robotized world, afraid of emotions and feelings, where the individual is reduced to a sum of money. It's a creative work that precisely reflected the contemporary anxieties among the American intellectual elite at universities. Overall impression: 90%. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I don't think it's a bad film in terms of ideas. There is a message in it. I also don't think the setting is poorly executed; the effects are really good. But the overall presentation, the way it's shot, just didn't click with me at all. It's almost as if Lucas didn't want anyone to see it. Coming from the person who directed Star Wars, it's just unexpected for me. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Dystopian science fiction according to young George Lucas. To tell the truth, I didn’t like it, I’d rather watch Star Wars for an entire week than THX 1138 again. ()

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