Un cadáver para sobrevivir

  • Estados Unidos Swiss Army Man (más)
Tráiler 4


Hank (Paul Dano), es un naufrago solo y sin esperanza varado en una isla desierta, hasta que descubre a Many (Daniel Radcliffe) un misterioso cadaver a la orilla de la playa que aparentemente tiene poderes especiales y que podria ser la clave para sobrevivir. Hank entabla una amistad con Manny enseñandole el significado de la vida, demostrandole que aun que este muerto vale la pena vvir, los dos amigos se embarcan en una gran aventura para tratar de salir de esa isla desierta. (Cine Caníbal)


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Tráiler 4

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español Cadáver interpretado por Daniel Radcliffe, como un alma afín de Paul Dano outsider, con una actitud suicida? ¡Por supuesto! Una película irresistiblemente ingeniosa y sorprendente llena de amistad, pedos, pensamientos existenciales y fragmentos personales de la vida, entre los cuales cada uno de nosotros encontrará "el suyo". ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I wasn’t excited about this film at all, and I expected to rate this really low, but if a film can entertain me and make me laugh against my own will, there must be something to it. It sure was silly beyond belief, but Daniel Radcliffe really got me here. The grimace (I can't call it a face, not here) that he managed to keep up the entire time, and to which he sometimes added a half-mad, toothy grin as a bonus, was in itself worth an extra star. From now on, I will no longer look at necrophiles as perverts. I had no idea how much quality time you can have with a corpse. Only the conclusion was quite disappointing, otherwise, the rating would have been even higher. ()



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inglés I honestly don't know what to write here! When I saw the trailer, I immediately said I just wanted to see this, even though I kind of knew it was going to be slightly twisted and bizarre. And actually, I wasn't too wrong! Swiss Army Man can't be denied its original and novel theme, which is impressive, but also a bit disgusting. We follow the crazy adventures of a castaway and his dying friend, characterised in particular by a complete disrespect for the human body and organs. At times it reminded me a bit of a Michel Gondry film (e.g. Be Kind Rewind), mainly because of the handmade sets that were meant to mimic reality. The last ten or fifteen minutes were very awkward for me, as it seemed like the film lost its breath there and didn't know how to end. In short, a film that is not for everyone, in fact I can't even say it was my cup of tea and I do like black and slightly politically incorrect humour, but I still recommend it if you want to see something you haven't seen before. P. S. "If you don't know Jurassic Park, you know shit." ()


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inglés The film's excess of originality and bizarreness can by no means be denied, but it was probably too much for me. I didn't have much fun. I didn't find it funny at all, but there are some thought-provoking dialogues and the scene with the bear is quite good. The melancholic ending was the biggest highlight, it evoked emotions in me and played the right notes. 60%. ()


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inglés When you come across a film like this, you either turn it off after a few minutes or you enjoy its bizarreness from start to finish. For example, I enjoyed the perverted yet great ideas from start to finish. This is really the type of film that you don't see every day, so I have to recommend it, because you probably won't see many films like it. ()

Galería (18)