Capricornio Uno

  • Colombia Operación capricornio uno (más)

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El mundo entero está presenciando el primer viaje tripulado a Marte sin saber que se trata, en realidad, de una farsa rodada en una abandonada base militar. Los tres astronautas designados para la misión se ven obligados a participar en el montaje, porque sus familias están amenazadas. El fraude parece funcionar hasta que un técnico de la NASA se da cuenta de que está sucediendo algo extraño y, con la ayuda de un periodista amigo suyo, decide investigar... (Divisa Home Video)


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todas reseñas del usuario

inglés This is pure joy for lovers of all conspiracy theories like the moon landing was a hoax and the skyscrapers blew up on 9/11 with charges prepared well in advance. Hyams' film is based mainly on a paranoid atmosphere, in which the long-established characters of the protagonists move with surprising ease, and on a fast pace that doesn't let up until the end. It's easy to guess what happens, but I kind of wished well on the protagonists. It’s a great film that may hold some unexpected truths... but then I’d have to go back to the beginning of this comment. :) ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A very decent parallel to Apollo 11. I’m almost surprised that Capricorn One went under my radar for so long. Maybe the Zionist pro-American missionaries did everything in their power to keep me from seeing this movie so that I couldn’t wonder about the truth about the Moon landing. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Capricorn One pleased and amused me, although it occasionally suffered from a lack of logic, and the special effects were not always convincing. I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, but I am not completely deaf to the fact that Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin played in a completely different sandbox, and I have a valid reason for that. It will soon be forty-five years since the Apollo 11 mission, and you still can't go to a McDonald's or KFC on the Moon. And that is so un-American that it makes you skeptical. / Lesson learned: Do you want to walk on the Moon? Start by buying some white sand. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Perfect idea, great realization. I have an affection for movies about conspiracies and the astronautic background is added value (for me). The work of NASA gets an entirely new dimension. :) I’m curious if Americans (here in the real world) will ever make it to Mars. Do you really think that I’m enjoying this? ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Capricorn One, the sci-fi classic about a faked Mars mission, must have been impressive in 1977 with its precision and relatively modern approach for its time. However, time has taken its toll on it; while the film still entertains, particularly with its premise and top-notch actors, I wasn’t a fan of its dragging style. I’d cut or shorten a few scenes, reducing the two hours to about ninety minutes. James Brolin and Hal Holbrook were excellent, but the other two astronauts were underused, barely speaking throughout the film. It has its strong moments (like the perfectly shot scene with the scorpion on the face), but in the end, where it should ramp up the pace, it loses momentum and ideas. The standout for me was the exceptionally filmed chase involving a biplane and two helicopters; the stunt work was impressive, and the result was worth it. I understand that the innovative concept contributed to the film's reputation, but for me, it’s "just" solid craftsmanship in every aspect. I give it 68%. ()

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