
Manny Ballestrero (Henry Fonda) es un hombre honesto y modesto que trabaja como músico en un grupo de jazz del Stork Club de Nueva York. Un día regresa de trabajar a altas horas de la noche y encuentra despierta a Rose (Vera Miles), su mujer, víctima de un fuerte dolor de muelas. Manny intenta tranquilizarla y le promete que al día siguiente irá al banco a rescatar parte de la póliza de seguros que ella tiene suscrita, puesto que la de él está completamente agotada. Al día siguiente Manny acude a las oficinas del banco y solicita un adelanto del dinero, sin percatarse del nerviosismo con que es atendido por la empleada. Pretextando unas formalidades de fácil resolución, la empleada le dice a Manny que vuelva unos minutos más tarde, y mientras tanto comunica a su jefe lo que ha descubierto. La dirección del banco avisa a la policía de que una de las empleadas ha reconocido en Manny al hombre que unos días antes había perpetrado un ataque al banco. (Movistar+)


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inglés Professional period filmmaking, quality camera work, careful selection of actors, decent editing, and film techniques with special effects that are simply from the mid-1950s. Simply Hitchcock, as we know him. The opening shots create a pleasant bourgeois atmosphere of a happy middle-class family, only to be followed by an unexpected encounter, accusations of a crime, and a harrowing journey to clear one's name. The screenplay avoids over-complication and obvious mistakes, and the film can rely on the excellent performance of Henry Fonda in the lead role. His eyes and facial expressions perfectly correspond to a person going through a serious life crisis. Everything is accompanied by emotive film music. Overall impression: 75%. This is one of those films that hasn't significantly aged. ()


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inglés An amazing performance by Henry Fonda – the fear in his eyes is palpable. And of course Hitchcock's very suggestive direction with many novel ideas highlights this. ()



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inglés Scorsese's Taxi Driver is an inspiring docudrama that can make you feel queasy both from the helplessness caused by a single accusation and from the camera circling in front of the protagonist at one moment. By the way, if the investigators had listened to Dave Kujan, they would know that anyone who falls asleep in a cell after being detained is their guy. They've got him; everything has fallen off him, and he wants to rest. An innocent person wouldn't even blink in this situation. Hitchcock is not very convincing without his "suspense," and he didn't hold the reins of Manny's wife's psychological problems and the final confrontation with those who pointed fingers at the beginning very firmly. Henry Fonda as a vulnerable man humiliated by the system is, however, flawless. When he takes a job with Morton on the railroad twelve years later, the performance is all the more breathtaking. ()

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