
Harry Feversham es uno de los mejores soldados británicos, pero cuando es llamado a filas para defender una fortaleza que está siendo atacada, renuncia a su misión. El padre lo repudia, tres de sus mejores amigos y su prometida lo tachan de cobarde. Ya en Londres, Harry se entera de que su mejor amigo y su regimiento han sufrido un brutal ataque, es entonces cuando encuentra las razones y fuerzas necesarias para emprender un peligroso viaje. Atraviesa las líneas enemigas y realiza actos de sacrificio y valentía sin precedentes. (Lauren Films)


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Reseñas (4)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A huge disastrous flop where absolutely nothing works. Watching this travesty can truly be at your own risk, because you have never seen such badly filmed action scenes, an inappropriate casting, and a story that is completely pointless. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Without any reversals, without deep character development, without any plausible developments. The Four Feathers, despite diligent slow-downs or excessive sought-after grandeur, succumbs to unbearable boredom with its tired story and unremarkable fight scenes. Its salvation, meaning its weary second star, comes in the form of the charismatic Wes Bentley, but everything else, despite the seeming quality of the acting, is at the level of the most predictable dime-a-dozen novel. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I can see quite a solid shower here, is this another case of herd mentalilty, so common here on FilmBooster? I hadn't read the reviews here beforehand (which in my experience is often not a bad thing), so I was able to enjoy this film quite unprejudiced. And what did I get? An easily digestible, slightly above average adventure story, with a solid production design, one nicely handled battle (I could feel the dust under my fingernails), and a charismatic Djimon Hounsoune (my favorite). Perhaps only the overly melodramatic last fifteen minutes weren't quite right for my taste. ()

Galería (23)