
After the death of his father, Hikaru, who has been working at a planning office in Tokyo, returns to his hometown of Kurume at Kyūshū to revive the past fame of the street shop of ramen noodles founded by his father. "Cannon Noodles" (Taihō Rāmen) along with other colourful stalls used to enrich the local flavour of the ancient town of Kurume, not to speak about the glory of Hikaru's samurai-like proud and fierce-tempered father. Two stories simultaneously unwind in front of our eyes – one set in the 1950's and the other one in the 1990's. The film depicts authentic fortunes of two generations of Kurume ramen chef-masters with a comedy, or even manga-like, exaggeration. It is based on notes by the younger ramen shop owner, KATSUKI Hiroshi, who was instrumental in reviving the fame of ramen as a cultural phenomenon not only of the Kurume city. (Eiga-sai)
