
Christian Wolff (Affleck) es un erudito de las matemáticas que siente mayor afinidad por los números que por las personas. Bajo la tapadera de una gestoría de un pequeño pueblo trabaja como contable autónomo para varias de las organizaciones delictivas más peligrosas del mundo. Con el Departamento Jurídico del Ministerio de Hacienda dirigido por Ray King (J.K. Simmons) pisándole los talones, se hace cargo de un cliente legal: una vanguardista sociedad de robótica en la que una secretaria de contabilidad (Anna Kendrick) ha descubierto una discrepancia por importe de millones de dólares. A medida que Christian va examinando los libros de contabilidad y aproximándose a la verdad, el número de muertos empieza a aumentar. (Warner Bros. España)


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español Zvláštní a zajímavý akčně-psychologicko-dramatický thriller s netradiční ústřední postavou, čímž film otevírá samovolně velké téma a s ním další související, aniž by k tomu tvůrci měli jakékoli ambice, o čemž jsem téměř jistě přesvědčen. Já jsem Bena Afflecka měl vždy rád, takže i tahle netradiční role mě potěšila, všichni ostatní jsou rovněž výborní a John Lithgow nezklame nikdy. ()


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español Muy buen suspenso emotivo con acción perfecta y quizás una historia innecesariamente demasiado combinada, con muchos detalles que cobrarán sentido en escenas posteriores e introducirán muchas sorpresas en la historia («¿Le gustan los rompecabezas?»). Al menos cuando la vemos por primera vez. Cuando la vi por segunda vez, porque estaba indeciso si merece cinco o solamente cuatro estrellas, el entusiasmo por el súper inteligente guión se convirtió en mero disfrute de una pieza de género ingeniosamente diseñada. Pero las emociones permanecieron. ()



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inglés If you ignore the overcomplicated plot, the laughable attempts at psychological profoundness and the weird twists, it works fine. The statuesque Affleck is a good choice for the character of an autist (regardless of whether his character has anything to do with the real capabilities of an autist). The action is good and executed without hesitation; a 7/10 overall, and I’m rounding up for how they settle the tab with the main villain. ()


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inglés How could the Oscars have given this movie a snub? The Accountant is such a great movie, in fact the best American movie I have seen in a while. And who would have thought that Ben Affleck would be a part of that again? That Affleck about whom most of us used to think he is not much of an actor. Well and in this film he portrays the weirdest of weird characters who not only behaves stangely, but he manages to give us a pleasant surprise with some great flim-making moments in the course of the film. Nevertheless, I don’t want to appreciate only the acting performances, I would like to focus on the story as well, which may seem a bit confusing at the beginning, only to turn into a glorious epic after about an hour that tells the epic story of an accountant who will undoubtedly become the best accountant in the whole wide world. On top of that, you get the incredibly natural Anna Kendrick, who once again simply plays herself. She made me so happy as she had done in Up in the Air. Well and J. K. Simmons? Since Whiplash he has been putting in one great performance after another. The Accountant is simply a film-making balm on the human soul that will playfully remind you of the best of America at a time when not too many good things seem to be coming out of that country. Well, good on them! ()


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inglés All right, autistic people are beautiful creatures, but don't give them weapons and super computers, because they'll probably start a secret service. I haven't seen a film in a long time that falls apart so grandiose after a captivating introduction. The first part, where the viewer actually watches the very routine actions of the main character and a few hints, is not boring and attracts with promises of interesting revelations. Gavin O'Connor also directs very smoothly and elegantly. The second half, where the information deficit is being addressed and something needs to be unraveled quickly, was probably written in a secret collaboration between Cimrman and Jarchovský. I haven't seen an explanatory monologue used worse since Innocence. When J. K. Simmons, with his feet on the table, explaining 90% of the story, it's on the verge of non-art. And the final revelations are really almost a crazy comedy. If at the beginning the question arises as to whether realism and action exaggeration will be fighting against each other in the film, the conclusion offers a ready-made orgy of things that do not fit together. I absolutely appreciate the grace with which both Affleck and (again amazing) Bernthal handle the WTF moments. And I don't have to be autistic to figure it out. ()

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