Buenas noches, mamá

  • España Goodnight Mommy (más)
Tráiler 2
Drama / Terror / Suspense / Psicológico
Austria, 2014, 100 min

Streaming (1)


Es pleno verano, y dos hermanos gemelos esperan pacientemente a que su madre regrese a casa tras una operación de cirugía plástica. (Movistar+)

Videos (2)

Tráiler 2

Reseñas (5)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I usually enjoy films like this, but this one just didn't work for me. It felt like a rehash of something I've seen countless times before. From the very start, it was painfully predictable. I even wondered if it was intentional, but as the film progressed, it seemed like it wasn't. Honestly, I'm not sure what the filmmakers were going for because halfway through, I lost interest and stopped paying much attention. It's well-made, but overall, it's a highly unlikable and uninteresting film. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Goodnight Mommy is a beautiful example of how horror films still manage to surprise, that there is room for them to be gruesome, but also space for them to amaze their audiences. Ultimately, the point may not necessarily be original, but at that moment, it manages to strike, plus the complete finale can be interpreted in yet another way. This is a film that is definitely worth a watch, and not just for horror fans. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés In this year's horror misery, Goodnight Mommy is a pleasantly refreshing surprise and from Austria even. I'm not a fan of arthouse horror, but this style suited me. An abandoned villa, "two" likeable twins, and a mysteriously creepy mom who looked charming with her bandages on for the first half of the film. The big plus of the film was not only the visuals and the acting, but also the surprisingly disturbing scenes that make your mind mind go WTF: the cockroach, the glue-scissors, the rough fall on the concrete, the final showdown ending, or the mother's walk through the woods, which I consider the scariest scene of the film. 75% ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés From the beginning, the transparent point suggests that the filmmakers will get to it through the clever psychological game of the central trio. However, the mistake is that the viewer gets a speechless flick where absolutely nothing works except the brotherly acting interplay, meaning that it amounts to a hundred minutes of boredom that culminates in an unintentional geyser of ridiculousness because the exploitation is absolutely off after there being zero motivations. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés This comment contains hints of spoilers. Well made and very effective and unsettling in some details, but I had one major problem with it, I couldn’t figure out what the creators wanted me to think, because ten minutes in and everything as clear as the water in an Alpine lake. If their intention was to surprise and hide the twist, they failed in the direction, because in many scenes the twist screams “hey, I’m here!”, but on the other hand, if they wanted to play with the viewer’s expectations about similar horror films, then they failed in the script because the build-up towards the core mystery doesn’t work out and you get bored. That said, I think it’s effective in the last act, and the early reveal of the twist actually helps it. ()

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