
In the town of Dillford, humans, vampires and zombies were all living in peace - until the alien apocalypse arrived. Now three teenagers-one human, one vampire, and one zombie-have to team up to figure out how to get rid of the visitors. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)

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Reseñas (4)


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inglés Freaks of Nature is a textbook example of how a fairly original premise can turn into an unbelievable piece of crap during the filming process, which is totally off the mark in places, and in a bad way. A world in which humans, vampires and zombies live side by side in a heap while having to deal with an alien invasion sounds both great and insane at the same time, and it's a real shame that the handling lacks on a larger dose of humour, suspense or horror. At times it reminded me slightly of This is the End and Chicken Little in its atmosphere and premise. Unfortunately, the properly spicy vocabulary and the few relatively funny scenes (especially with the zombies) couldn’t pull it out of the sub-par in the end. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés American zany comedies with a zombie theme sometimes succeed, as in the case of Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, but here the creators went a bit overboard. Even the cast is very weak; essentially, no one known plays a role, and those who do act poorly and unconvincingly. The zombies, along with the vampires and aliens, were quite good. At times, the jokes annoyed me as they simply didn’t fit the moments. And when I think about the story, I'd rather wrap up the review. It’s below average, and I give it 50%. ()



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inglés I guess I expected it to be even funnier, and even more entertaining, but after watching Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, which was thematically quite similar, this is pretty bad. The world introduced to us at the beginning isn't fully utilized, and it essentially just turns into a pseudo-comedic horror "morality tale". ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés An entertaining and funny teen horror comedy with an original idea. I liked the familiar B-movie cast, the jokes and the nice pace. The downside is the cheap look, and the lack of gore and atmosphere. I was expecting it a bit better, but as a one-off it’s OK. 60%. ()

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