
Tráiler 1
Estados Unidos, 2012, 120 min (Versión del director: 129 min)


Ben Affleck

Argumento literario:

Antonio J. Mendez (libro)


Chris Terrio


Rodrigo Prieto


Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Victor Garber, Tate Donovan, Clea DuVall, Scoot McNairy, Rory Cochrane, Christopher Denham (más)
(más profesiones)


"Argo" se centra en el año 1979 en Oriente Medio, durante la ocupación de la embajada de los Estados Unidos por parte de los iraníes. Tras la toma de la embajada, la CIA montó una operación de rescate junto con el gobierno canadiense para extraer a seis diplomáticos de EE.UU. Para llevar a cabo la hazaña de liberar a los diplomáticos, la CIA recurrió a un experto en el arte del disfraz y prepararon un escenario en el que se incluían seis miembros de un equipo de cazatalentos de Hollywood cuyo fin era realizar una película titulada "Argo". Bajo los disfraces, fueron capaces de huir del país. (Warner Bros. España)


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Tráiler 1

Reseñas (13)


todas reseñas del usuario

español Un tema serio de estadounidenses en peligro de vida en Irán, aliviado con sensibilidad por el mundo de un enfoque juguetón de Hollywood. Muy bien dirigida, Affleck está madurando. Las escenas cliché del último tercio (billetes de última hora, la caza del avión) no parecen corresponder a los hechos reales, pero encajan con simpatía en el concepto de la película, donde el problema real de dimensiones políticas salva en el último minuto el heroísmo de Hollywood al estilo de las historietas. Visualmente muy elaborado, un elenco encantador, el ambiente de la época genial, y la música de Desplat es fantástica. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Not the event of the season - American critics and audiences must logically be enthusiastic about a film that is not foolishly simplistic, but at the same time is able to maintain popular schemes and a certain "power-film" patriotism. From my point of view, I appreciate the clever and functional montages (reading the Argo screenplay / drastic scenes from Iran - the heist parallel "escape planning / pursuit procedure"), the famous self-defeating humor of the Hollywood storyline and the escape sequence shot exclusively in detail and semi-details - retro styling and camera movement by Rodrigo Prieta are a pleasure in and of themselves. However, after a "problematic" political introduction, Argo finally capitulates to the tried-and-true schemes, but this does not degrade the fact that Ben Affleck made another uniquely-crafted film, which I "purely enjoyed". ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés As excellent as he is a director, he is simply a little bland as an actor. He proves the first not just in the opening, most powerful scene of the year, but throughout the movie. He manages to demonstrate immense bravado as a director, building up stifling tension in a story where you know what happens, while poetically interleafing political thriller with satire on a burned-out "_llywo_d". He also proves his acting (non)skills throughout, tripping himself up by otherwise casting acting aces in the other roles, or at least actors who constantly out-act him. This said, most detrimental turned out to be the airport finale where he comes across like an unintentional parody of himself. Certainly cinematic exaggeration of reality is one thing, but dishing out so many clichés in ten minutes is just too much. It is all the more surprising because up until that point he has been avoiding them and going his own way. So, in the end no new Munich or Baader Meinhof Complex occurs, it’s just too naive and shallow for that, but ranking it amongst them is sufficient recognition of Argo’s qualities. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Ben Affleck confirms his quality as a director. This time, and based on the responses from abroad, he hit the bullseye of the taste of the American public and critics, and it’s no wonder. Argo is a decent period piece, a thriller, a drama, has a pinch of filmmaking comedy, it’s based on real events and you end up rooting for the clever and nice Americans. And from a genre perspective, it can be viewed without any politics. Personally, however, it didn’t captivate me, maybe because the climax relies too much on coincidences, and though the tension escalates nicely, the overall pleasant realistic feeling is lost. But overall, it’s your typical well made four star film, and a nice scapegoat for anti-American posers. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Ben Affleck really is the man. I must admit that I never believed that he could be the leading representative of decent and intelligent Hollywood of this day and age, but every new movie he makes is such a smash hit that my brain is having a hard time coping with such amounts of quality. Argo may not be a five-star smash hit and that’s only because it drags on a bit at the beginning and it takes a while for the movie to finally get to the action. But once the action starts, which is actually the entire second part of the movie, your heart will stop beating with all the suspense the same way it did for me. The story itself is absolutely amazing and interesting and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Argo wins the Oscar for Best Picture. It has all the traditional Oscar-winning qualities, so we will see. For me, this was a job really well done about a certain chapter of CIA and Hollywood history, which couldn’t have been filmed any better. Yeah and Ben Affleck was absolutely perfect in his role. ()

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