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A sus 60 años, Huw Morgan echa la vista atrás y nos relata su vida desde que era un niño en una pequeña ciudad minera de Gales. Sus recuerdos nos muestran la dolorosa separación de sus padres del clan de los Morgan, al tiempo que captura los sentimientos y asuntos políticos de aquella época. (20th Century Fox España)

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Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés It begins with awful moralizing, and that’s how it ends, too. However, the greatest shortfall of this picture is its absolute sterility, the stiffness and artificiality of all of the characters, settings and, in fact, everything. This movie doesn’t manage even for a minute to create any hint of atmosphere, let alone any emotions. Which is pretty sad when this is what the whole movie is about. Purely and simply this doesn’t draw you in, is of no interest and quickly bores you. Not to mention the incessant, and soon absolutely unbearable, singing miners. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés It's probably a good film that certainly has something to say, but on the other hand, I can't help but feel it could have been filmed even more dramatically, even more brutally, than it comes across. I think it would have only benefited the film. But even the way it is, it certainly works; it just speaks more to fans of older films, while for others, it might just be an old film. ()


Galería (48)