Zombieland: Mata y remata

  • México Zombieland: Tiro de Gracia (más)
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Diez años después de que Bienvenidos a Zombieland se convirtiera en un gran éxito y un clásico de culto, el reparto principal (Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Abigail Breslin y Emma Stone) se vuelve a unir en la secuela. A través de un divertido y loco caos que va desde la Casa Blanca al corazón del país, estos cuatro cazadores deben luchar contra nuevos tipos de zombis que han evolucionado desde la primera película, así como nuevos supervivientes humanos. Pero por encima de todo, se tendrán que enfrentar a los problemas de su alocada e improvisada familia. (Sony Pictures Esp.)


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español Definitivamente una mala película en términos de contenido, cuya historia esquemática, tenue y descuidada sobre el viaje de los personajes del punto A al punto B sirve solo como enlace necesario para una serie de sketches de comedia y escenas de acción con zombis con niveles fluctuantes de calidad. Por supuesto, describe todo desde el primer Zombieland, solo que ahora todo es más simple, más fácil, más predecible, y en todos los aspectos, simplemente peor. Además, los personajes principales se degradaron a molestos dibujos animados unidimensionales después de diez años, de cuya insoportabilidad la película también es plenamente consciente, pero en lugar de hacer algo al respecto, lo usan como fuente de humor (y crean alrededor de ellos un panóptico de personajes secundarios dementes deliberadamente molestos y exagerados en forma de estereotipos personalizados, de modo que los personajes principales parezcan más simpáticos a su lado). Esto se salva en parte por el nivel de comedia bastante entretenido y, a veces, por los actores, que obviamente disfrutaron de la filmación y se puede notar en ellos. Solo una de cada tres o cuatro bromas tiene éxito, pero con la enorme cadencia de los chistes, es lo de menos. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

español Estaríamos bien con este grupo (¡incluyendo a la rubia rosa!), incluso si se quedaran charlando en la parada del autobús. Los guionistas de la segunda Zombieland: Mata y remata tampoco se excedieron precisamente. La película es una road movie con tres paradas en las que se hace algo solo para divertirse momentáneamente, no para hacer avanzar una trama reflexiva o, Dios no lo quiera, para enriquecer las convenciones del género. Incluso la imaginativa fusión pacifista de las armas en Babylonia se vio empañada por la tonta solución de los guionistas al problema final con el ejército de zombis. Sin embargo para una sola vez está bien. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés The talented Ruben Fleischer serves up the Comedy of the Year, the Ride of the Year and the Zombie Movie of the Year! I have to admit I didn't have much faith in the film after the trailers, but from the opening minutes it was set to be a heartwarming affair and it was! It's been 10 years since the first Zombieland and the world and characters have changed, especially the zombies, who have evolved and now split into different species, which I found terribly fresh and novel. Of the cast, Woody Harrelson obviously rocks the most, stealing most of the scenes for himself, but the nerdy Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone are also awesome. The only bland one is Abigail Breslin, who both looks awful and is more of a by-the-numbers character, so the new characters are a much welcome. The sexy Rosario Dawson and the adorable Zoey Deutch, who plays the naive silly Barbie to perfection and made the whole cinema laugh out loud during every scene with her. (“You know why she's still alive? Because zombies eat brains and she ain't got none.”) Apart from the perfect humour, the action is also a good, nicely shot, brutal, original and entertaining, including the climactic finale. The highlights definitely include the annual awards for Zombie kill of the year. One of those films where you say "I want to see that again!" when it's over. A big surprise this year and it will be fighting for the top spot. P.S. The post-credits cameo scene is perfect. 90%. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés The four heroes are back, still killing man-eating monsters and still trying not to kill each other. But now one of the girls has disappeared and the rest must find her and possibly save her. And as they make their way across zombie-infested America, they encounter not only the undead, but also other survivors, Elvis and hippies. The sequel to Zombieland could be considered a carbon copy of the first one, as it doesn't bring much new stuff, but it's still just as fun and if you enjoyed the disposal of the undead and the antics of the survivors last time, the second one won't disappoint. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Whereas some lenient reviews assert that the second Zombieland offers essentially the same thing as the first one, that is not entirely true. While watching the film, you repeatedly say to yourself that specific scenes and shots are a variation of something from the first film, whether that is slow-motion splatter shots or the characters pushing each other around. But that is merely just mechanical fan service and thus basically the exact opposite of the very essence of the first Zombieland, which became a sensation in its time because it came up with a fresh approach to zombie flicks and managed to transform them into clever entertainment by means of a detached view and genre reflection. The second film, on the other hand, is shocking in its failure to offer anything fresh or original. It is as if the returning filmmakers had suffered a severe case of dementia over the preceding decade and are thus merely repeating what they did last time. Furthermore, whereas the first film had a certain degree of causality and, above all, it managed to build a functional and coherent world, here everything falls to pieces. The result is an unwanted travesty in which the characters find themselves outside of their world, while the new reality lacks any cohesion (which is most apparent in the absolutely dysfunctional and interchangeable environment of the climax). Everything could almost be saved by claiming that this time the filmmakers came up with a brilliant meta concept which, following the example of typically insipid direct-to-video sequels, offers a deliberately cheaper and more shoddily made variation of the original hit, but nothing in the film indicates such a degree of detachmentand conceptuality. ()

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