
Un agente del gobierno inglés pide a Lee, un maestro de las artes marciales, que acepte la invitación que le han hecho para participar en un torneo de lucha que se organiza cada tres años en un isla propiedad de un millonario llamado Han del que se sospecha está involucrado en turbios negocios de tráfico de drogas y trata de blancas. Lee acepta ir e intentar conseguir pruebas. (Warner Home Video)


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inglés The story sucks, but everything is so stylishly and artfully packed that I didn’t give a toss. The most important thing is that Bruce Lee is clearly in top form and the entire film is his exhibition. I’ve never liked this kind of films, and I don’t think I’ll ever watch this one again, but I didn’t get bored at all. 75% ()


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inglés For the time it was made in, it is certainly unique. Personally, however, I think that Jackie Chan’s movies, which I watched while growing up in the nineties, are still significantly better. ()



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inglés After the series "Prciček", I turned to a completely different genre and finally watched a movie that I had been looking forward to for an incredibly long time, but I never got to see it because I simply didn't have the desire, there wasn't enough time, etc. But when I finally decided, I found out that Bruce Lee was simply a master. He wasn't a master of filmmaking, "Enter the Dragon" isn't such a great movie and it doesn't bring anything new, but what he, a master of martial arts, showcases is breathtaking. Jackie Chan became famous mainly for his martial arts, which is essentially a dance. It looks great, it's effective, but it's still a dance. Bruce Lee doesn't dance. Bruce Lee fights. It's still martial arts, but there is nothing gentle about it. His movements are focused, precise, effective. He literally flies in individual scenes, captures attention, even when he speaks with that amazing accent. No, I wouldn't want to meet him as his opponent. If he accomplished something, it was directing a film where the fights look real. Maybe too real. As is generally known, "Enter the Dragon" was his last film because he succumbed to an injury he caused himself while filming this movie. More: ()

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