
In this sequel to Richard Kelly’s 2001 cult hit, seven years have passed since the bizarre and tragic death of Donnie Darko. His now-18-year-old sister, Samantha, is traveling down a lonely desert road with her best friend when their car breaks down. Stranded, they take refuge in a nearby small town. But when Samantha begins having visions reminiscent of the ones that visited Donnie so many years ago, is she experiencing the same phenomenon? Or is it something else entirely? (texto oficial de la distribuidora)


Reseñas (1)


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inglés The world may be headed for destruction, but a proper mess has already been made ahead of time. This extremely bad screenplay doesn't suit the actors at all, cranks out insane dialogue, and in the end, delivers reveals that can't make sense no matter how hard they try. Donnie Darko may not have been the miracle I had been anticipating, but at least it was a mysterious and completely original sci-fi film. This is just a sham that is sadly held up by the poorly cast (yet, given the narrow scope of possibilities, enthusiastic and good) James Lafferty and Ed Westwick. ()

Galería (10)