
Poder, odio y sangre. Éstos son los "valores" a los que tienen que enfrentarse cada día los habitantes de las provincias de Nápoles y Caserta. Casi nunca se puede elegir, casi siempre se está obligado a obedecer las reglas del Sistema, la Camorra, y sólo los más afortunados pueden pensar en llevar una vida "normal". Cinco historias se entrecruzan en este paisaje violento, un mundo despiadado, aparentemente alejado de la realidad, pero bien enraizado en esa tierra. Don Ciro es el "submarino": paga a las familias de los detenidos afiliados a su clan, que ejerce un dominio indiscutido sobre el territorio. Astuto, discreto, desarrolla su tarea sin involucrarse nunca.
Pero cuando el poder de su clan se debilita, no sabe a quién tiene que obedecer y tiene que pensar en su propia supervivencia. Totò tiene trece años y no ve la hora de hacerse mayor. Así, peldaño a peldaño, va haciendo su aprendizaje en la escuela de la vida, hasta que un día tiene que tomar una decisión, una elección sin vuelta atrás. Marco y Ciro creen estar viviendo en una película de Brian de Palma, pero sólo son dos perros sueltos que con sus bravatas estorban la rutina de los asuntos del Sistema. (Alta Films)


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español Un trabajo auténticamente escalofriante y con un gran valor informativo, realizado por cineastas valientes. En lugar de ser una desventaja, la frialdad deliberada de la película y la distancia de los personajes es adecuada para el mundo que describe. Lo que es una desventaja, sin embargo, es la duración innecesaria de la película. Seleccione solo las cosas más importantes, redúzcalo a 100 minutos y ¡podría haber sido una pasada! ()


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inglés This is a different movie than The Godfather. It's not about how cool it is to be a gangster, how good it looks, and how epic it can be. This is a film about how ugly it is, how bloody it is, and how it can affect anyone for a variety of reasons. Actually, I'm glad I don't have to live in Italy. A well-shot, different take on the mafia. ()



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inglés It doesn't make sense to view Gomorrah as an entertaining genre film about the Italian organized crime environment; in fact, it deliberately resigns from that notion and is more of a fictionalized documentary that analyzes the structure, manifestations, and impacts of mafia activities. Extortion, drug trafficking, smuggling, slave labor, manipulation of government contracts, or trade in toxic waste – the film shows it all firsthand and offers a perfect disillusionment about the mafia as some organization with charismatic personalities and a functioning code of honor. These are rather creatures that have emerged from the lowest social strata and have remained mentally at that level as well. The film doesn't have a cohesive plot; it's more of a series of images and stories about how organized crime replaces state structures and controls people's lives. As I mentioned, it doesn't make sense to expect entertainment like in The Godfather from it, but rather a raw look inside. By the way, the investigative journalist who wrote the book of the same name and moved incognito among this assembly in southern Italy is in a worse situation than Salman Rushdie was when the fatwa was declared against him. Overall impression: 90%. ()


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inglés Boring? Maybe for lovers of mafia fairy tales. If you like the raw and unadorned style and you are interested in modern Godfathers, then you can hope for a similar emotional impact to that which Gomorrah had on me. I'm not going full out only because the film is really too long and Garrone (no matter how great of a job he did!) just can’t keep up. In my opinion, Gomorrah is one of the most impressive films in recent months. But I highly recommend that you at least read about what you are going to see. There were quite a few stray souls who came to see the next The Departed in the movie theatre. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Gomorrah is a way of life. Gomorrah is a creed that is not forgotten and above all is not forgiven. Gomorrah is the mafia that rules Italy and especially Naples. Gomorrah is a money factory that earns tens of thousands of euros every day by laundering money, selling drugs, and weapons. But Gomorrah is also an organization that helped people after September 11. That last sentence, it really caught my attention. And it's not the first time. I remember how the Yakuza helped people on the coast hit by the tsunami wave this year. Why do they do it and what is the purpose? I guess I will never understand. Just like I will never understand this movie, which probably best reflects how things work in such a community. And it really does work. Everything has its order. Everything has its justification. If you break the order or do something that doesn't make sense, you will pay for it. That's just life. Sometimes life will pay you with experiences, here you will have to pay with your life. But I won't give the film full credit. The film is so precise that I spend two hours watching fools with guns and nonsensical scenes that don't make sense to me. However, they are unfortunately part of something called Gomorrah and for those who know nothing about it, it is not necessary for them to ever understand. ()

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