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Rapunzel es una princesa que fue robada a sus padres cuando era un bebé y encerrada en una torre. Ahora es ya una adolescente muy imaginativa y decidida que consigue escapar de su encierro con la ayuda de un bandido encantador. Este improbable dúo se verá embarcado en una divertida huida llena de aventura, emoción, humor y montones de pelo. (Disney España)


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español Vizuálně přenádherné a dějově z toho bratry Grimmy hodně cítím, což přebíjí vše americké. A Locika je nejkrásnější princezna, líbí se mi mnohem víc než Elsa a Anna, ale asi jsem zaujatý, protože poslední rok je Ledové království všude kolem mě i proti mé vůli. Pěkný pohádkový zážitek. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Halfway between an epic Disney spectacle with songs and funny animals and a more intimately conceived self-deprecating story in the style of The Princess Bride. Tangled comes closest to Pixar films thanks to the likable, well-depicted central couple like one would find in a grown-up romantic comedy (even though Rapunzel officially grows up only at the end of the film), while children will more enjoy most of the other aspects. Appendix: If you can choose, go for the non-stereoscopic version (and save some money). 70% ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés No doubt about it, this one’s an easy 5 stars. It’s been a while since I’ve seen an animated movie so full of optimism, charm, and pure joy. It’s the kind of fairytale that not only kids will love, but also anyone who has a soft spot for magical stories. Plus, it’s genuinely funny and incredibly endearing from every angle. Whether it’s the characters, the humor, or the gorgeous animation, there’s something here for everyone to enjoy. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A modern veneer, but a real Disney movie at heart. It took me back to the days when my mother fed me one fairytale after another, and I'll tell you, I kind of miss those days. Everything always turns out well in this movie. And the perfect supporting characters, "the horse" and "the chameleon", had me captivated. The action scenes are breathtaking, the Prince of Persia can’t compare with Flynn and the romance makes every frozen heart beat hard again. For women and young ladies Tangled is a safe bet, and for men this is a snappy-lined action spectacle with a pretty blonde beating bad guys over the head with a frying pan. Well, a fake reputation is all a man has. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Disney as we know it - only in 3D. Everything I like and don't like about Disney fairy tales can be found in Tangled. Perfect characters - both human and animal (I want a dog horse!!), a simple but well-written story with a reasonable amount of humor (aimed at children and adults) and romance, good music and some stunningly catchy songs. On the other hand, I've always been a bit averse to animated films in which the characters sing, and that was part of the problem with this film. The thing that bothered me the most was the hugely super-romantic duet in the boat - a scene that, I think, pretty much messed up my diabetes for a few minutes because of how sweet it was. Still, four and a half stars, it was nice. ()

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