Largo Winch

  • Francia Largo Winch (más)


Nerio Winch es un viejo y perspicaz hombre de negocios que ha logrado amasar un conglomerado de empresas cuyo valor conjunto es de diez mil millones de dólares. Sin hijos ni herederos conocidos, decide adoptar a un huérfano yugoslavo de nombre Largo Winczlav, alegando el parecido en el apellido. Sin embargo, los intentos de Nerio de modelar al joven como un sucesor a su imagen y semejanza se vuelven infructuosos y el joven Largo pronto abandona su formación en las mejores escuelas de Alemania e Inglaterra para recorrer el mundo lejos de las influencias de su padre adoptivo. (Movistar+)


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inglés Average action spectacle with a simple story full of constant pseudo-shocking twists, leading to significant confusion. I only went to see Largo Winch to not ruin the company, because my classmates really wanted to see that movie. If it were up to me, I would definitely choose a different movie treat from the rich offer of Parisian cinemas. Later I found out why the French were so eager to see Largo Winch. I did not know that there was a series of the same name that was very popular. At least I taught them that Karel Roden is Czech and not Croatian, Serbian or Russian :-) ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I'm gawking. I wasn't expecting anything special, but I got a solid adventure thriller with a few good action scenes, a brisk atmosphere, nice colorful cinematography, Desplat's energetic music, a likable main character, and Karl Roden to boot. The story is not complicated or surprising, but it is skillfully presented and, despite the large number of flashbacks, very clearly told. It also earns points because it's not about saving the world or anything heroic like that, but about "ordinary" money. Four pure stars. ()


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