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Es un día caliente y perfecto en una pequeña localidad de Maine para realizar un picnic. De repente, una tormenta estalla violentamente en el lago y termina tan bruscamente como ha comenzado. Entonces viene la niebla... sumiendose lenta e inexorablemente en la ciudad, atrapando a la gente en sus hogares, el supemercado... separando a las familias del mundo. La niebla está viva, llena de sonidos y movimientos sobrenaturales. ¿Qué la produce? ¿Qué son esas criaturas que se mueven por ella? ¿Es el experimento Arrowhead del que todo el mundo habla pero nadie conoce? (Notro Films)


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español De la intencionada película de clase B a los temas religiosos y una dimensión mística más allá de la fantasía tradicionalmente concebida. Aquí, Frank Darabont combina temas existenciales serios y una autenticidad visual a lo Greengrass con tentáculos digitales y otras arañas atacantes. Y con un presupuesto de 26 millones de dólares, supera a La guerra de los mundos de Spielberg. Una pequeña película notable, convincente y un tanto intelectual y poco convencional, con una idea de esperanza a la inversa de Shawshank... Una pequeña obra, merecedora de una gran calificación. ()


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español Un trabajo brillante. Un final perfecto. Esto realmente te demuestra que los humanos pueden ser peores y más peligrosos que criaturas sedientas de sangre con tentáculos. Los sermones bíblicos cumplen su propósito, pero a veces resultan molestos. Y si los monstruos estuvieran un poco mejor trabajados, habría dado 5*. ()



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inglés For Darabont, the notion of horror is something completely out of place, given that he can't even handle the most basic genre practices. He borrows from Carpenter here, and Cameron there, only to drape the whole thing with dialogue straight out of a dumb 1960s sci-fi movie. For two hours, the plot spins in a merry-go-round, with maybe a spindle of religious fanaticism pushing the viewer's emotions. Otherwise, except for the very end, it’s an absolutely cold, terribly long, and unintentionally stupid B-movie, which apparently got rave reviews just for the impressive ending. ()


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inglés I wouldn't compare Darabont's film to a cheap horror flick, or, heaven forbid, measure it through the lens of 1950s monster movies. I think The Mist works equally well as gritty horror, and as a kind of psychological drama where rationality vs. bigotry clashes within a small circle of people. Anyway, even the rather ridiculous tentacles at the beginning didn't spoil my overall very good impression. Scary, at times decently suspenseful and with a very powerful twist at the end. And Thomas Jane finally gave a believable performance (Punisher is forgiven). I wonder what the leaders (if they saw it) of the increasingly growing creationist movement in the United States, where their pseudo-scientific doctrine is already on school curricula and whose luminaries use much the same rhetoric as the deranged, had to say about the figure of the religious fanatic Mrs. Carmody. If Darabont wanted to symbolically smack them with it, I won't hesitate to give it the maximum rating :) I'm tempted to compare it with King's novel. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés If there is one horror movie this year that deserves a full score, it’s this one. It has an awesome atmosphere, especially in the second half, and I also liked the diversity of the monsters. But it’s not only about monsters, the story has a very strong dramatic line, too. The ending is amazing! More movies like this! Darabont has another successful King adaptation under his belt. ()

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