
  • Estados Unidos Hancock
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Hay héroes... hay superhéroes... y luego está Hancock (Will Smith). Un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad. Todo el mundo lo sabe. Todo el mundo, menos Hancock. Insatisfecho, atormentado, sarcástico e incomprendido, las acciones heroicas y bienintencionadas de Hancock cumplen su objetivo y salvan muchas vidas pero siempre provocan unos tremendos desaguisados. La población ya no puede más, y aunque está agradecida de tener a su héroe local, los buenos ciudadanos de Los Ángeles, se preguntan, qué es lo que han hecho para merecer a este tipo. Hancock no es alguien al que le importe lo que piense la gente, hasta el día en que salva la vida de Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), alto ejecutivo de una empresa de relaciones públicas. Y es entonces cuando el impopular superhéroe se da cuenta de que, al fin y al cabo, tiene un lado vulnerable. (Sony Pictures Esp.)


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Reseñas (10)


todas reseñas del usuario

español Prapodivný film, jenž vlastně neví, kam žánrově spadá. Jsou tam určitě světlé momenty, ať už ty vtipné nebo vážnější. Jasona Batemana jsem měl subjektivně tak nějak zařazeného mezi úlisné a nesympatické typy, tady mě překvapil svojí až nepřirozenou dobrotou a laskavostí. Podívat se a zapomenout. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

español Geniales escenas de acción, grandes chistes, emociones, un fuerte motivo de amor, más un genial Will Smith y una sexy rubia Charlize Theron con botas negras... y desafortunadamente todo se queda en nada, como si fuera un déjà vu. El crossover potencialmente genial y espectacular de El último boy scout e X-Men se convirtió en la burbuja de marketing más vacía de 2008. O en un llamativo piloto de una serie inexistente. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés At the moment Peter Berg's fans have started to curse their idol for what he presents to them, I finally understand him for the first time. A classic and at the same time anti-comic spectacle, from which enthusiasm can be felt from miles away, Will Smith enjoys unlimited space and humor and action surpass my boldest expectations. The surprise of 2008 and my favorite Will Smith movie. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Judging by the trailers, I expected an action flick full of foul-mouthed wisecracks and instead got the story of an alienated hero undergoing rehabilitation. Hancock reminds me of Smith's I Am Legend — both have incredible potential, but instead of using it, they take a different track. Not completely bad, just not as good. Fortunately, Will Smith is such an experienced actor that a lot of people will enjoy the film thanks to him, but the connoisseur will always find something lacking in the drunkard next door. Maybe this is the result of a rewrite of the script or retakes, but it doesn’t quite work. As for the rest of the acting ensemble, Charlize Theron is breathtaking and Jason Bateman is endearingly obsessed with the desire to save the world (I think he pulled off an even better performance than the great Will) and Michael Mann has an incredible funny cameo. A low four stars. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Peter Berg is the second director this year who hasn't received much help from Will Smith. Smith is clearly a magnet for stupid screenwriters and overzealous scissors-wielding producers, as Francis Lawrence could certainly tell us. Even Jumper should envy Hancock's genre-hopping, but unlike Doug Liman, Berg was drowned by the seriousness of the subject matter, which changed its image at the last minute into a summer blockbuster. Michael Mann wasn’t helpful either, although Berg handles the action brilliantly (my late wish that he would have made the third X-Men) and Jason Bateman ramps up his comedic talents even more. The twist in the middle was a bit expected, and unfortunately, so was the ending with the spilled syrup effect. I’d give the film about 50%. It gets bonus points for the briskness and the fact (spoiler!) that Charlize is the absolute sexiest superhero in recent years, but that's actually to be expected after Aeon Flux. Actually, we could have expected quite a lot from this... ()

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