
Hace mucho tiempo, el profesor de filosofía de Carter Chambers en su primer año de carrera les sugirió a sus estudiantes que elaborasen una "lista de deseos", un recuento de todas las cosas que querían hacer, ver y experimentar en la vida antes de morir. Pero, mientras Carter estaba aún tratando de aclarar sus sueños y planes privados, la realidad se entrometió. Matrimonio, hijos, una multitud de responsabilidades y, finalmente, un trabajo de mecánico de automóviles durante 46 años, gradualmente cambiaron su idea de lo que era una lista de deseos en poco más que un recuerdo agridulce de oportunidades perdidas y en un ejercicio mental en el que pensaba de vez en cuando para pasar el tiempo mientras trabajaba bajo la capota de un coche. Entretanto, el multimillonario empresario Edward Cole nunca vio una lista sin pensar en los beneficios. Siempre estaba demasiado atareado haciendo dinero y construyendo un imperio para pensar en cuáles podrían ser sus necesidades más profundas, más allá de la siguiente adquisición o una taza de café para gourmets. Entonces, la vida les dio a ambos un toque de atención urgente e inesperado. Carter y Edward se encontraron compartiendo una habitación de hospital con mucho tiempo para pensar en lo que sucedería a continuación-y en cuánto de ello estaba en sus manos. A pesar de sus aparentes diferencias, pronto descubrieron que tenían dos cosas muy importantes en común: una necesidad no satisfecha de aceptarse a sí mismos y las elecciones que habían hecho, y un deseo urgente de pasar el tiempo que habían perdido haciendo todo lo que siempre quisieron hacer. La lista ya no era sólo un ejercicio mental. Era un plan de trabajo. (Warner Bros. España)


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todas reseñas del usuario

inglés As I get older, I can appreciate films dealing with the finitude of human life much more than before. The Bucket List presents this serious subject with a sensitive and humorous insight and manages to strike an emotional chord in all of us... If I had unlimited possibilities like Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, I would also want to enjoy the last few months before I leave this world as much as possible. (80%) ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Another one of those films about aging, presented humorously, though of course, with passages that attempt to tug at the emotions. In some cases, perhaps a bit too overtly, but Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson are such personalities that they handle even quite classic scenes with dignity. Yeah, this is the type of film I can get into. It definitely won't offend, unless you have a problem watching two older actors. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Two old men with a foot on the grave (played incredibly by two brilliant actors) decide to fulfill their dreams and desires before the Grim Reaper comes for them. Thanks to the cast, this fairly average premise didn't get bogged down in clichés and worked quite well for me. The great script and fitting music gave it even more juice. In short, a solid film that gives sickness and death a run for their money in almost every way. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Before I kick the bucket, I would certainly like to travel through Thailand, visit the peaks of the Andes, paddle upstream along the Amazon and lots of other stuff. But mainly I would like at last to see a movie where Nicholson doesn’t appear in his hundred and first variation on a snooty cynical grouch and Freeman as a good and wise family man for the fifty-second time. And I wouldn’t mind seeing the soccer world cup final in the flesh, but I would gladly give that up for the chance of at last seeing Reiner in a well-directed movie again with an original idea and not simply a well-made routine piece. And it also occurred to me that I would give all the money in the world to see Mother Earth from orbit. Definitely better than watching a squandered opportunity in the shape of the middle section of this movie. Although I don’t doubt that my parents would really like it, this movie reeks of unexploited potential and a run-of-the-mill safe bet from miles away. And it needed so little to make it good. Maybe to swap over the casting of the two main roles and to find a director who isn’t already past his zenith and isn’t afraid of giving it some balls. Oh yes, and it also occurred to me that I would like to see the pyramids with the same visibility conditions that these two hobblers had. When I was there was an impermeable shroud of smog over Cairo for my entire visit and visibility was barely a hundred yards. ()

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