
La historia empieza en Dorchester, un barrio obrero de Boston, en el que las sucias calles están pobladas de familias destrozadas y sueños rotos. Aquí es donde la pequeña Amanda McCready de 4 años ha desaparecido sin dejar huella. La policía no ha conseguido ni una sola pista, así que los desesperados tíos de Amanda suplican a los investigadores privados Patrick Kenzie y Angie Genarro que acepten el caso. Aunque tienen serias dudas sobre si deben asumir o no el caso, Patrick y Angie conocen el barrio y también conocen la verdad sobre la madre drogadicta de Amanda, Helene. A medida que van avanzando en sus investigaciones, siguen pistas que les llevan al oscuro centro de Dorchester y a una serie de camellos, ex-presidiarios y corruptores de menores. Sin embargo esto no les acerca a Amanda. Aprovechando la atención que les prestan los medios, unen sus fuerzas a las del implacable detective Remy Bressant y al capitán de policía Jack Doyle. Pero justo cuando parece que este terrible caso está a punto de resolverse, el triste destino de Amanda se desvela en un segundo. Todo el mundo intenta pasar página y seguir adelante, pero un atormentado Patrick es incapaz de olvidar lo que ha ocurrido. Cuando intenta dar marcha atrás siguiendo las pistas, se ve inmerso en una intensa telaraña de mentiras y violencia inexplicable, en el asombroso secreto que esconde la verdad y tendrá que enfrentarse a un dilema moral que hará que tanto él como el público se pregunten qué es lo correcto. (Disney España)


Reseñas (16)



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inglés Without a final twist and uncompromisingly leaving the question “What is right?”, it would only have been a thriller with brilliant direction and performances, but with that Gone Baby Gone becomes an exceptionally intense experience and a superb drama. But is the answer to that question really that hard? Not for me. ()


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español Ese chico debería haberse dedicado a la dirección hace tiempo, ya que tiene un talento innegable. Este magistral drama, que cobra fuerza a cada minuto, te dejará boquiabierto. Emana rudeza, realismo y el don para escribir guiones brillantes. Los hermanos Affleck fueron una agradable sorpresa. ()


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español Dennis Lehane es uno de los escritores favoritos y agradecidos, cuyas obras literarias los cineastas eligen como material para adaptar. Las novelas bien pensadas de Lehane, llenas de tramas cautivadoras y giros sorprendentes, son terreno fértil para llevarlas a la pantalla grande. Gone, Baby, Gone confirma todo lo anterior, es un thriller no convencional ambientado en un problemático barrio de Boston. La colaboración de los hermanos Affleck está dando frutos, Casey Affleck atrae la atención en esta película con un elenco sólido y allana el camino hacia el Oscar con este papel. Por otro lado, Michelle Monaghan me pareció bastante insignificante y a la sombra de todos los demás protagonistas. Excepto por el comportamiento final de Patrick, me gustó todo en la película, estoy satisfecho. ()


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inglés A powerful drama, very well written, but above all brilliantly directed. I’m inclined to agree with the opinion about the intellectual overtones mentioned several times here, the dilemma that is transferred from the main character to the viewer at the end is impressive and the last shot, my God, is perfection itself. And most importantly, the whole narrative has oomph and it doesn't matter if it's the chillingly harsh scene with a paedophile in the second half of the film or a simple dialogue between the two protagonists. A true joy to watch. And Casey Affleck? He articulates weird, he looks weird, he acts weird, but all of that together create a very interesting person that I couldn't take my eyes off. Ben, in the future, act as you did in Hollywoodland, while continuing to develop your undoubted directorial talent, and I have no choice but to repeat myself: "It was a great pleasure." ()



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inglés Ben Affleck strikes back at all the scoffers over his acting talent and shows that he can do much more behind the camera than in front of it. Any absence of ill-considered steps, and on the contrary, absolutely perfect scene timing, great camera work, or excellent editing, show that there he has top talent. Especially if he chooses an excellent script next time, which will blow you away with its intensity of dialogue, a dose of life experience, and especially the final double-twist. After American Gangster, this is the second film whose absence from the Oscars is incomprehensible. ()


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inglés Affleck’s adaptation of Dennis Lehane’s novel is unarguably well-made, perfectly acted, absorbing with its atmosphere of an Irish suburb of Boston and especially in the night scenes it’s completely riveting. Casey Affleck in the role of the “neighborly" private detective is worthy of the supreme acting accolade, just like many of the supporting actors. Seemingly the perfect crime movie. However, there is one small but. After the scene with the attack on the house and one subsequent conversation, it is absolutely clear “who, how and why". However, a long-winded half hour of wannabe surprising revelations follow. Not that it matters that much, since the picture culminates in these scenes in terms of acting, but as a whole it needlessly loses energy. At least the complete end with the repercussions of a certain decision is again back to the standard of most of the movie. In other words, at the qualitative zenith of the genre. After his feature-length directing debut, I’ll have to keep an eye out for Ben Affleck. With his economical and firm-handed directing that doesn’t draw attention to itself, he is very similar to Clint Eastwood. Let’s hope it stays with him and that he will no longer prance around in front of the camera. Both for his and mainly for our own good. ()


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inglés Bad Baby Bad. Disappointing in every way! The story is confusing and disjointed. Ben Affleck directs as much as he acts: like a teenager with attention deficit disorder. The characters were uninteresting, unmotivated and poorly cast. The dialogue lacked drive, it was clichéd and incomprehensible. Overall, I found this film very boring to the point of absurdity. It lacked suspense and atmosphere. There was almost nothing positive here! Affleck has picked up the wrong profession. I didn't enjoy it. 40%. ()


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inglés This story looks like a classic. One crime that not only changes the lives of all involved, but completely turns them upside down. And all with the help of a constantly twisting script, which is so cleverly narrated that you won't start twisting at any turn, wondering what we just saw. And when something like that almost happens, like during the key action at the quarry, the voiceover of the main character immediately assures you that you are definitely not alone in it. What surprises me the most is how quickly the story won me over, so that despite the anonymity and ordinariness of the character Patrick, I was scared for him after a few minutes and experienced all the crucial decisions with him. Ben Affleck's directorial certainty is therefore an unimaginable promise for the genre. ()


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inglés A disturbing, intelligent thriller with a provocative theme and an even more provocative climax, which pits law and justice against each other, i.e., the criminal code and morality. It even explores the boundaries of ethical behavior by relativizing the concepts of good and evil. Its characters are not black and white and are also exposed to extreme situations that require truly fundamental and difficult decisions. The clever script has several significant twists in the perspective of the characters and their actions, and the film can be watched not only as a brilliant detective story but also as an excellent psychological drama. Moreover, the film is brilliantly cast and professionally directed and acted. I have absolutely no problem giving it five stars. Overall impression: 95%. ()


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inglés A quality film for one evening. It's not an Oscar-worthy masterpiece, nor a film that you could watch twenty times and still discover something new, it's ordinary, austere, technically simple, and quite effective in certain moments. But the storyline isn't that elaborate, and many things can be guessed from the course of the film. Above all, Ed Harris is outstanding. The ending didn't deliver the catharsis I expected, but it has a logical culmination. Ben Affleck is definitely better behind the camera than in front of it, and I think that has surprised many film fans, especially since it's his directorial debut. ()


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inglés It was "only" a good film until the final reveal, but then it became a great film, one of those that really makes you think about how you would have acted yourself. And that's valuable these days. I love Dennis Lehane's books and it's a good thing that this one I couldn't get hold of for so long and unlike Mystic River or Shutter Island I hadn't read it before the film. My surprise and my experience were all the greater. I think Morgan Freeman gave one of his best performances ever in a relatively small space. ()


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inglés For a film by Ben Affleck, who is not primarily an experienced director, it's actually quite good, and definitely ranks among the better mysteries. The characters are interesting, the story of the kidnapping of a little girl and the subsequent full-blown crime investigation is engaging, and the layout of the cards is clever; those are reasons enough to draw me in and keep me entertained. We can even then talk about the gradual dosage of twists and turns, especially towards the end where the story unravels and gives us the final picture, as well as the decent cast as other elements that add to the film's quality. A nice surprise, fun to watch and doesn't get boring, but it’s no significant hit to the viewer's heart, it is "just" a fine, disposable whodunit, which certainly can't be taken as a minus, but maybe I was secretly hoping for some sly, hidden deeper point at the end after all. ()


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inglés I can forgive a lot of things, but the fact that the film gets virtually nowhere despite three tons of moralizing and wannabe "think about that" bullshit, hardly. I'm not of the opinion that a film needs to have a statement, but if it's fucking pretending to be one all the time, it could at least live up to expectations. An asterisk for the scene in the pedophile's lair. ()


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inglés Ben Affleck's directorial debut succeeded in every way. It's a powerful and emotional drama about the disappearance of a little girl, filled with interesting and unexpected twists. Gone Baby Gone excels in creating a great and sometimes chilling atmosphere with flawless dialogues. The cast also adds depth to the film, and Casey Affleck is unmatched and proves that he and his brother belong to the acting elite. I also enjoyed Ed Harris's performance, which was very convincing as the policeman. However, the best performance probably came from Amy Ryan, confirming that her Oscar nomination was well-deserved. The ending was both impactful and touching, and I give the film a clear 90%. ()


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inglés Do you remember Ben Affleck? Of course, you probably do; his star hasn’t fallen; on the contrary. He’s the actor that many people disliked just for how he acts/doesn’t act. However, he managed to win an Oscar. Unsurprisingly, it was for the screenplay of Good Will Hunting. It turned out that he’s not just a great screenwriter but also an excellent director. His first significant work was Gone Baby Gone, for which he also wrote the screenplay. If there’s anything that breathes from the film, it’s love for the city. Not the beautiful one shown to tourists, but love for the city as it is. Gone Baby Gone isn’t just a detective story; it mainly focuses on one person who is after justice at any cost. The law is the law, and even though his methods are quite harsh, his language is crude, and his age is low, he still pursues the truth at all costs. It’s a great, powerful story about a child’s kidnapping, with a brilliant ending and unexpectedly good performances. It’s probably because an actor who becomes a director knows what he wants from the actors. ()


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inglés Gritty and depressing, yet very well done and a truly amazing directorial debut from Ben Affleck. I think words like "hopelessness" and "inescapability" more than aptly describe Gone Baby Gone. Cinematically it's truly brilliant (writing, directing, editing, actors), to the point where it makes you wonder if it wasn’t completely robbed by the Academy. The brotherly collaboration worked out perfectly, with Casey Affleck excelling as the young private detective and Ben Affleck more than pleasantly surprising as the director. Gone Baby Gone is not a "nice" movie. In the flood of all sorts of Hollywood tearjerkers, it is a stark reminder of what we call reality in today's world. ()