
  • Estados Unidos Interview (más)


El autodestructivo Pierre Peders conoce bien la violencia y la atrocidad. Es un conocido reportero de guerra, ha recorrido el mundo y ha visto las peores cosas que se pueden imaginar. No es sorprendente que no le guste nada la idea de entrevistar a Katya, la estrella de telenovela estadounidense. Nada más conocerse, los dos mundos se enfrentan: el de Pierre, un mundo políticamente serio y preocupado, y el de Katya, el mundo superficial de los famosos. Pero las apariencias engañan. Según se van abriendo, encuentran una conexión más profunda. Cada uno tiene una herida abierta y sufre a su manera. Pero la honestidad lleva a la desilusión. Su confrontación se convierte en una apasionada partida de ajedrez con grandes dosis de ingenio, intriga y tensión sexual que acaba de forma totalmente inesperada. (Golem Distribución)


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inglés In life, everyone from time to time, and some quite regularly, puts on a mask and plays their roles. This film is about the encounter of two players, a journalist and a young actress, who try to play their roles and achieve the best outcome. Interview is a film that probably has a theatrical counterpart, as the whole plot is ideally set up for the stage. If Interview is worth seeing, it is thanks to the cast, because Sienna Miller and Steve Buscemi suit their roles both in terms of appearance and performance, lending the entire plot relative credibility, as the screenplay itself doesn't offer much of it. It is too contrived and the actions of both actors are affected and their strategies are overcomplicated. Even just the way the journalist gets into the unattainable star's apartment relies too much on the script's construct, as in real life, she wouldn't offer that opportunity. It is simply a game with elaborate dialogues, built for the visual and auditory effect on the audience, rather than a story from real life. Overall impression: 60%. ()


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inglés "Why did you kiss me?" - "Why do men always want to talk about this man?" The main theme of unwillingness to reveal your true face is clearly evident in the thoughtful form of Steve Buscemi, which is most damaging precisely because it adheres to the boundaries of conversation. And although there are various truthful or false confessions, neither of them really moved me. The unscrupulous snake and the perpetually talking unstable pseudo-star are merely creatures that will try to sink the other from time to time. And any character background will no longer bring me closer. The truly delightful climax gives everything a great final flavor, but it doesn't save the all too straightforward tone. ()



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inglés Steve Buscemi is not only an actor, but as it turns out, also a quite talented director. "Interview" is his fourth film that he directed since 1996. It is not exactly an original film, although it is true that his name is mentioned not only as the director, but also for the screenplay and main role. "Interview" is actually a remake of a Dutch film with the same name, directed by Theo Van Gogh and based on a script by Theodore Holman. The plot is not complicated. A respected journalist specializing in politics has to do an interview with a young B-movie star who is very popular among her fans. They are supposed to meet at a restaurant, but she arrives an hour late. He is not thrilled about it, and she is not too excited about the fact that he knows nothing about her and did not prepare for the interview. Although they quickly leave after dinner - or rather, dinner never happens, and no interview takes place - fate still brings them together and they conduct the interview. They have plenty of time and their conversation takes many twists and turns. Gradually, we stop believing that we are watching the same people as at the beginning. Who is the bigger liar? Is it she, who makes a living by lying, as an actress, or him, who should be devoted to truth, but seemingly has a rather ambiguous relationship with it as well? It is very interesting to observe their relationship, which develops like a roller coaster. Is something emerging between them? Or is it all just pretense? Without Steve and Sienna, the film would be much less interesting. They are the ones who keep you hoping that it will end in an intriguing way. The film does not have a clear point, it does not hit you with anything, but I still believe that you will take something away from this film. More: ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I haven't seen the original version, and I don't think I ever will. I only watched Interview because of Buscemi. And I wasn’t wrong to. Great acting performances. Buscemi was as excellent as ever but who would have expected the same virtuosity from Sienna Miller? The story was funny, intelligent, and surprising, but I agree with Shushika on one thing: a post-credits scene would have been a great ending to this peculiar play. ()

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