
Un hombre llamado Adam se despierta encadenado a un tubo oxidado dentro de una decrépita cámara subterránea. A su lado, se encuentra otra persona encadenada, el Dr. Lawrence Gordon. Entre ellos hay un hombre muerto con un revolver calibre 38 en su mano. Ninguno de los dos sabe por qué están allí, sólo poseen un casette con instrucciones que dice que el Dr. Gordon debe matar a Adam en ocho horas. Si falla, ambos morirán, junto a la esposa del Dr. y su hija. Recordando una investigación de asesinato llevada a cabo por un detective llamado Tapp, el Dr. Gordon descubre que él y Adam están siendo victimas de un psicópata conocido como Jigsaw. Sólo les quedan unas horas para desenredar el complicado rompecabezas en el que están inmersos. El asesino les ha dejado únicamente unas pistas y dos sierras de mano, demasiados débiles para cortar la cadena que los ata, pero demasiado fuertes para cortar carne y huesos... (DeAPlaneta)


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español Rudo, violento, inquietante. De vez en cuando, los efectos visuales y la música son extremadamente brutales. Bien escrito y dirigido, mediocremente actuado. Un poco chocante (por el efecto). ¡Un giro final listo! ()


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inglés This basic premise gave me not the slightest clue of what I was getting into, and without the knowledge that I would see it countless times in future installments, it was really perfect back then. The despair, the unknown, and people in a strongly oppressive environment and situation still function today. It's a shame that with Jigsaw came the tormented cliché of "I'm aiming at you, but I'll wait until you take the weapon from me", because without it, James Wan would have aimed really high. What the script loses here, it gains with the reveal. It may be problematic, full of holes, and perhaps even impossible, but it can't be taken away from it that it is truly unforgettable. It may not have been the new Se7en, but with a decade of hindsight and the presence of unbalanced sequels, the first Saw has matured into very favorable colors. ()



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inglés The overwhelming majority of films in this style don't even fall into the B-movie category; they're more like C-movies and have a woefully semi-amateurish character. Saw significantly stands out from these productions with its professionalism and is currently the actual pinnacle of the genre. It boasts a relatively sophisticated script, professional direction, editing, camera work, and acting performances that don't elicit disdainful smiles. Along with its horror atmosphere, strongly naturalistic shots, and effective ending, it creates a perfect cocktail to become a box office hit. On the other hand, the script isn't so well-developed that it can avoid inconsistencies and some clichés. The editing at times resembles music video production, and the flashbacks only serve to delay the story. Overall impression: 60%. Subsequent installments of this film lacked the originality of the original and were merely squeezing money from the pockets of viewers. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés This saw has really sharp teeth, though a bit rusty in places. Among the good things we can count the thick oppressive atmosphere, several excellent suspenseful scenes and one awesome jump-scare. On the other hand, there is the unconvincing performance of Cary Elwes as Dr. Gordon, a bit of the traditional clichés (the pratfalls or the pointless hesitation before blowing someone away) and the final twist. In itself, it is very, very surprising and shocking, but it is too much "for effect" and in hindsight it digs big holes in the logic of the plot. Still, I won't go below four stars, a film that can happily be described as a heavy punch for the average audience (a friend told me how he experienced a stampede to leave the cinema during a screening in Ireland) doesn't deserve it. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Come out and play, Mister... A whole lot for very little. You see, Saw is like FilmBooster where the room is substituted by the webpages and Jigsaw by POMO himself, who mixes everything up with his twisted sense of humor. He deploys an army of a thousand multi-accounts to stir emotions and turns users against each other. I bet now we can look forward to some final twist and tricks on ordinary people like deleting all of their scores and reviews. That would be a master stroke worthy of this atmospheric genre. ()

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