
¡Qué gran acontecimiento! La pequeña aldea gala va a recibir a Gudúrix, el sobrino del jefe, que ha encomendado a Astérix y Obélix la misión de convertirlo en un hombre hecho y derecho. Pero, a pesar de sus aires de superioridad, este adolescente de Lutecia no es más que un cobarde redomado, y el entrenamiento de choque al que lo someterán no parece que vaya a cambiar mucho las cosas... Mientras, los vikingos desembarcan en la Galia dispuestos a encontrar a un "campeón del miedo" que, tal y como les ha prometido su mago, sea capaz de enseñarles a volar, ya que, según él, "el miedo da alas"... Cuando los vikingos raptan a Gudúrix se desata la catástrofe. Astérix y Obélix deberán hacer lo imposible por encontrarlo. Mientras se lanzan hacia el Gran Norte en busca de su joven protegido, éste, que se ha visto implicado contra su voluntad en un infame complot, conoce a la bella e intrépida Abba y se da cuenta de que el amor puede tener el mismo efecto que un puñetazo... ¡Todo un choque de culturas! (DeAPlaneta)


Reseñas (5)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés This certainly isn't one of the best adventures of Asterix adapted into an animated film, but it's still much better than the live-action version. It's a bit too clichéd and not funny enough to truly warrant much attention. The older films are definitely funnier and more entertaining. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Asterix and the Vikings was the first animated Asterix film that I watched in a movie theater, and it's an adaptation of the comic book "Asterix and the Normans" (1966), which I once coincidentally read as the first comic book in the Asterix saga. It's a beautiful memory. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés The modernization is sometimes humorous, sometimes shamefully lame, but otherwise the story follows the classic Asterix themes that always worked for me. And yet there is a lack of those legendary scenes that abounded in the older installments and the overall tone is too romantic/adventurous/dramatic. It would need more killingly funny lines to achieve the lightness the film needs. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés When the Vikings are on set the new Asterix movie is funny. Gauls are on set it’s at least average. But when the Justforkix appears it becomes just unbearable. In the details and in some of the scenes, Asterix and the Vikings can be amusing, but all in all it’s nothing great. The creators are simply lucky because due to the drought in the field of classic animation movies, Asterix shines out brightly. Also the bombastic “epic" music warms the heart. The relative shortness of the movie and its good tempo doesn’t let you get bored, so the movie’s objective is achieved. Not only kids but also adults will find this movie entertaining, even though neither of them particularly much so. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés The basic "Punch the Roman Legion in the face!" premise of the Asterix and Obelix series is gone, and with it, the magic of its predecessors (I'll tactfully omit the live-action version). The whole scheme of the story has been whittled down to the combat training of the chief's metrosexual nephew and a bunch of Vikings standing on the opposite side wanting to learn fear. However, the plot as a whole lacks the more vigorous spark that would really bring it to the top of the Mount Olympus of entertainment. The layering of gags represents the most uncontrolled dose of un-inventive despair that can possibly be produced. Everyone knows that Obelix likes wild boars and that the magic potion also works wonders on old men, so why do the creators bother with it? In essence, the fact is that these are the only "jokes" we get to see. The rest is the desperate filler that can be seen in every other cartoon these days. The attempt at modernization (the trance party and the song interludes are annoying) has exactly the opposite effect and pushes the film beyond the point of awkwardness, from which it cannot recover. The legend may have been buried years ago with the live-action version, but the cartoonists are doing their best to kill it even more... ()

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