Amanecer de los muertos

  • Argentina El amanecer de los muertos (más)


Una inexplicable plaga ha diezmado la población del planeta, convirtiendo a los muertos en horribles zombies que continuamente buscan carne y sangre humana para permanecer como seres vivientes no-muertos. En Wisconsin, un variopinto grupo de humanos supervivientes (entre los que se encuentran una enfermera, un policia y otros supervivientes que tratan de salvar sus vidas) se refugian en un centro comercial, donde deben aprender no sólo a protegerse de las horas de zombies sino también a coexistir como el último reducto de la humanidad. (Universal Pictures España)


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todas reseñas del usuario

español Un guiso muy simpático de sangre, miedo y humor. Amanecer de los muertos es sólo una película palomitera, pero tan brillante e inteligentemente ejecutada que no puedo dejar de recomendarla con todos mis pulgares en alto. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I like Snyder’s conception of the zombies. They are no longer the torpid bitches of Romero's classic, but fast predators that are terrifying and you have to be very wary of them. The opening of the film is another pleasant shock, it has no long introductions, no suspense, it gets down to business right after five minutes. The plot immediately shifts into fifth gear (the initial chaos at the family houses and the shot of the city a the massive car pile-up), after a while it drops to fourth gear and it stays there until the closing credits. Fans of the genre will feel that they have just seen something familiar in an exceptional package, a remake and a beautiful tribute to the genre at the same time. It will put a smile on their face that will not not leave them even after leaving the cinema, as if they had just watched a romantic comedy. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Zack Snyder holds the reins of the film firmly in his hands and it is evident literally in every shot. The zombies are no longer lazy stumbling creatures, but deadly monsters. And it is thanks to this change that Snyder managed to achieve such a fast pace and dynamic action scenes that have an incredibly impressive rawness – especially within zombie horror. The fantastic visuals, along with the immensely likeable characters, cool lines, and a healthy dose of cynicism (the director winks at us basically in every other scene), make this possibly the biggest hit of 2004. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A tribute as it should be and on top of that one of a few horror remakes that makes sense, has something to offer and doesn’t just dwell on its famous predecessor. And going to watch it in a multiplex inside a shopping mall was quite apt, I thought. P.S.: Second time round, even the “sprinter" zombies, who could beat the world record for a hundred meters didn’t bother me. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés When the dead start walking, the fun stops. Or maybe the opposite happens. Who would have thought that a serious zombie movie would be strongest in light-hearted and almost cheerful montages? Thanks to these, it deviates significantly from the genre and can only surprise the viewer like a breath of fresh air. I don't care much for the category of bloody massacres, so from my side, it is a 70% positive surprise. In the flood of blood, editing, and atmosphere, the glaring illogicalities in the characters' behavior and the light violence of that enthusiastic over-shooting are easier to overlook. ()

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